Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 982

viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
Device type 683, 751, 758,
763, 773, 784, 794, 801, 807,
Export .............................. 667
General ............................ 682
Import .............................. 669
Initialize ............................ 683
Integration ........................... 3
IO controller ..................... 817
Manual control ................. 866
Peripheral devices ............. 682
Print list of devices ............ 686
Program version 751, 758,
763, 773, 784, 794, 801, 807,
Properties ......................... 687
Rack ................. 766, 777, 787
Remarks 751, 758, 763, 773,
784, 794, 801, 807, 814
RS-232 device ................... 807
RS-232 devices ................. 682
Settings ............................ 815
Start-up 751, 758, 763, 773,
784, 794, 801, 807, 814
Status ............................... 683
Stepping Motor Controller 852
Subwindow ...................... 682
Tower .............. 764, 774, 785
USB devices ...................... 682
Dialog language ..................... 679
DIGITAL IN ............................. 559
Command variables .......... 559
General ............................ 560
Overview .......................... 559
Stop criteria ...................... 561
Digital input
Manual control ................. 885
DIGITAL OUT .......................... 554
Command variables . . 554, 556
Digital outputs .................. 556
General ............................ 555
Overview .......................... 554
Digital output ......................... 557
Manual control ................. 887
Dilution Titration
Term ................................ 958
Dilution volume 87, 114, 133,
Term ................................ 959
Direct controller
Properties ......................... 834
Division .................................... 38
Empty ............................... 871
Fill .................................... 871
Prepare ............................. 871
Dose fixed volume .................. 872
Dose manually .................. 873
Fixed volume .................... 872
General ............................ 870
Manual control ................. 870
Dosing command ................... 474
Dosing device ......... 489, 494, 499
Dosing parameters 476, 479, 482,
Dosing unit ............................. 695
Column display ................. 697
Configuration ................... 699
Delete .............................. 697
Edit properties .................. 698
Empty ............................... 871
Export .............................. 667
Fill .................................... 871
Import .............................. 669
Parameters ....................... 698
Parameters for preparation
......................................... 699
Prepare ............................. 871
Print list of dosing units .... 698
Subwindow ...................... 695
Table of dosing units ........ 696
Tubing parameters ........... 699
Valve disk ......................... 699
Dosino ................................... 489
Term ................................ 958
E-mail ..................................... 550
Edit template .................... 678
Export template ................ 667
Import template ............... 669
Login ................................ 660
Manage templates ............ 677
Send ................................... 70
Templates ......................... 677
Effective addition volume
Evaluation ratio ........ 632, 633
Sample ............. 633, 634, 635
Standard .......................... 632
Standard solution ............. 633
Term ................................ 959
see Sensor ........................ 706
Electrode test ......................... 384
Emergency stop ...................... 680
Empty ..................................... 871
EMPTY ................................... 496
Command variables .......... 496
Overview .......................... 496
Properties ......................... 497
END ....................................... 396
Show ....................... 292, 327
Equal to .................................... 42
ERROR .................................... 395
Command variables .......... 395
Error (Function) ......................... 66
Error calculation ..................... 616
Error track ...................... 377, 395
Break point evaluation ...... 439
Calculated results ............. 615
Fixed endpoint evaluation . 439
General .................... 577, 578
Maximum evaluation ........ 439
Minimum evaluation ......... 439
Reprocess ......................... 267
Show evaluation lines 292,
Term ................................ 961
Toolbar ............................ 577
Evaluation ratio
Term ................................ 960
Event message ............... 530, 534
EXIT ....................................... 394
Command variables .......... 394
Exit track ........................ 376, 394
Exponential function ................. 48
Configuration data ... 667, 929
Determinations ......... 298, 916
Export templates .............. 241
Method .................... 367, 935
Results .............................. 614
Export template
Edit .................................. 242
Export .............................. 667
Field selection ................... 245
Import .............................. 669
Manage ........................... 241
Options for CSV format .... 245
Options for measuring point list
......................................... 246
Properties ......................... 242
Request at file export ........ 246
Select ............................... 614
Selection .......................... 298
External measured value ......... 459
External position 764, 772, 774,