Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 980

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viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)

LOOP ............................... 545
LQH ................................. 487
MEAS Opt ........................ 431
MEAS Opt Conc ............... 443
MEAS Ref ......................... 424
MEAS Spec ....................... 427
MEAS TMF ....................... 452
MOVE .............................. 501
Overview ............................ 23
PORT ................................ 575
PREP ................................. 493
PUMP ............................... 511
RACK ............................... 517
RECEIVE ............................ 532
REQUEST .......................... 541
RLS DEV ........................... 521
RLS DOS ........................... 498
SCAN ............................... 526
SEND ................................ 529
SEQUENCE ....................... 552
SERIES END ....................... 393
SERIES START .................... 392
STEPPING MOTOR ............ 571
STIR .................................. 513
SWING ............................. 505
Term ................................ 958
TRACK .............................. 390
TRANSFER ........................ 535
VA TRACK ........................ 391
WAIT ................................ 550

Common logarithm .................. 49
Common variable

Add new common variable
......................................... 727
Assign .............................. 609
Column display ................. 727
Delete .............................. 727
Editing properties ............. 728
Export .............................. 667
General ............................ 725
History ............................. 731
History limit values ............ 733
Import .............................. 669
Information ...................... 335
Intervention limits ............. 733
Monitoring ....................... 730
Parameters ....................... 728
Print list ............................ 728
Result ............................... 608
Select ............................... 609
Subwindow ...................... 725
Table ................................ 725
Use in the formula editor .... 33
Warning limits .................. 733

Communication .......................... 5
Communication command ..... 522

Concentration in the measuring
vessel ............................... 637
Concentration in the sample
......................................... 629


2-point controller ............. 835
089 Photometer ............... 801
814 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 784
815 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 784
846 Dosing Interface ........ 758
858 Professional Sample Pro-
cessor ............................... 762
894 Professional CVS ........ 751
919 IC Autosampler plus . . 773
Avantes Spectrometer ...... 794
Backup automatically ........ 672
Backup manually .............. 673
Configuration database .... 641
Definition ......................... 641
Devices ............................. 682
Direct controller ................ 834
Export .............................. 667
Functions ......................... 645
General ............................ 641
Import .............................. 669
Information on determination
......................................... 335
IO controller ..................... 817
Menu bar ......................... 642
Options ............................ 679
PID controller ................... 841
PWM controller ................ 846
Restore ............................. 673
RS-232 device ................... 807
Stepping Motor Controller 852
Subwindow ...................... 644
Toolbar ............................ 644
User interface ............. 10, 641
View .................. 77, 182, 646

Configuration data ................. 667

Backup ..................... 908, 930
Export .............................. 929
Import .............................. 929
Restore ..................... 909, 932

Configuration database .............. 4
Configuration report

Print ................................. 662

Conformity ................................. 5


RS-232 device ................... 812


Barcode reader ................. 817

Cont key ................ 110, 121, 122
CONTROL ............................... 568

Command variables .......... 568
Overview .......................... 568
Properties ......................... 569

Control chart .......................... 303

Comment ......................... 241
Graphics parameters ......... 238
Limit values ...................... 239
Manage templates ............ 237
Print ................................. 304
Properties ......................... 238
Show ............................... 303
Statistics ........................... 240

Control chart template

Export .............................. 667
Import .............................. 669

Controller type ....................... 833

2-point controller ............. 835
Direct controller ................ 834
PID controller ................... 837
PWM controller ................ 845


method ............................ 934

CSV export ............................. 242
CTRL ...................................... 523

Command variables .......... 523
Overview .......................... 523
Properties ......................... 524

Curve display .......................... 153
Curves .................................... 305

Background 172, 286, 292,


Command type 162, 276, 311
Curve display CVS ............. 157
Curve results ..................... 620
Display on workplace ........ 157
General .................... 157, 305
Grid .. 172, 286, 292, 321, 327
Measuring point list 276, 294,


Options 172, 286, 292, 321,
Properties ......... 162, 276, 311
Scaling 163, 164, 168, 277,
278, 282, 286, 288, 290, 311,
313, 317, 321, 323, 325
Show endpoints ....... 292, 327
Show evaluation lines 292,