2 calibration curve – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 284
4.5 Determination overview
viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
The check box in the Display column for the selected measurement curve is
All on
All check boxes in the Display column are activated.
All off
All check boxes in the Display column are deactivated.
Invert selection
The settings in the Display column for the selected measurement curves are
The settings concerning the display of individual curves and the height
ratio between curve window and table are saved with this button.
Selection on
The marking of the curves selected in the table is activated with this but-
Selection off
The marking of the curves selected in the table is deactivated with this
Calibration curve
Tab: Database
▶ Determination overview ▶ Determinations ▶ Repro-
▶ Reprocess ▶ Result view ▶ Curves
Calibration curve display
The following elements are displayed in the upper left-hand part of the
curve window:
Axes with labeling (measured quantity and unit)
Calibration points of the standard addition
Calculated calibration function
Evaluation ratio (line) for calibration method DT
Effective addition volume (numerical value) for calibration method DT
Substance concentration in the measuring vessel for calibration
method MLAT
Calibration curves can be zoomed as often as required by spanning an
area of the curve display from the top left to the bottom right with the left
mouse button pressed down. Zooming can be undone by spanning an
area from the bottom right to the top left or using the context-sensitive
Show all menu command.