5 results - user-defined results, User-defined results – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 616
5.6 Evaluation subwindow
viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
# | m | µ | n | p
Default value
RSD of the calibration factor DT
Number of decimal places for the relative standard deviation of the cali-
bration factor DT (%).
This result exists solely for the calibration method = DT and the sample
type = Standard.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Effective addition volume of the sample solution for the evaluation ratio
Number of decimal places and prefix selection for the effective addition
volume of the sample solution for the evaluation ratio (L).
This result exists solely for the calibration method = DT and the sample
type = Sample.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
# | m | µ | n | p
Default value
RSD of the effective addition volume of the sample solution for the evaluation ratio
Number of decimal places for the relative standard deviation of the effec-
tive addition volume of the sample solution for the evaluation ratio (%).
This result exists solely for the calibration method = DT and the sample
type = Sample.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
[Basic setting]
Restore default values for the number of decimal places and the prefix.
Results - User-defined results
Tab: Method
▶ Evaluation ▶ Results ▶ User-defined results
Additional user-defined results can be defined in this table which are auto-
matically included in the calculation. The main properties of a highlighted
result are displayed in the right-hand part of the tab. The results are calcu-
lated in the order in which they appear in the table. They can be moved
with the arrow key in order to change the sequence in which they appear.
The table cannot be edited directly and is comprised of the following col-