Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 979

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viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)



Intervention limits ............. 723
Number of standards ........ 465
Overview .......................... 589
Term ................................ 958
Warning limits .................. 723

Calibration command ............. 459
Calibration curve .................... 302

Coefficient k(0) ................. 626
Coefficient k(1) ................. 626
Coefficient k(2) ................. 627
Coefficient k(4) ................. 627
Coefficient of determination
......................................... 628
Display on workplace ........ 159
DT ............................ 589, 593
MLAT ....................... 589, 591
Result calculation .............. 616
Show ............................... 302

Calibration data ...................... 302

Show ............................... 302

Calibration factor .................... 636

Absolute standard deviation
......................................... 636
Calculation ....................... 635
Relative standard deviation
......................................... 637
Term ................................ 957

Calibration method

DT .................................... 589
For brightener determination
......................................... 589
For suppressor determination
......................................... 589
MLAT ............................... 589

Calibration wavelength ........... 463

Exchange interval ............. 753
Monitor ............................ 753


Call ................................... 413
Command variables .......... 411
Overview .......................... 411
Properties ......................... 412

Call commands ....................... 411
CALL COND ............................ 419

Command variables .......... 419
Overview .......................... 419
Properties ......................... 420

CALL INTERCEPT ..................... 417

Command variables .......... 417
Overview .......................... 417
Properties ......................... 418

CALL VA ................................. 414

Command variables .......... 414

Overview .......................... 414
Properties ......................... 415

CALL VMS .............................. 416

Command variables .......... 416
Overview .......................... 416
Properties ......................... 416

Case ......................................... 65
Change layout .......... 78, 183, 647
Client ..................................... 665
Client/server configuration .......... 4
Coefficient of determination ... 628
Colorimetric sensor ................. 712

Add new colorimetric sensor
......................................... 715
Calibration coefficient ....... 717
Calibration date ................ 717
Calibration interval ........... 717
Calibration method ........... 717
Calibration range .............. 717
Calibration temperature .... 717
Coefficient of determination
......................................... 717
Column display ................. 714
Confidence interval ........... 717
Delete .............................. 715
Edit properties .................. 716
Enter calibration data manually
......................................... 717
Enter name ....................... 716
Export .............................. 667
General ............................ 712
History ............................. 722
Import .............................. 669
Limit values ...................... 721
Monitoring ....................... 721
Print list of colorimetric sensors
......................................... 715
Select ............................... 469
Standard sensors .............. 712
Subwindow ...................... 712
Table ................................ 712
Wavelength ...................... 717

Column display

Colorimetric sensor ........... 714
Common variables ............ 727
Determination overview .... 250
Dosing units ..................... 697
Global variables ................ 736
Sensors ............................. 708
Solutions .......................... 690

Command .............................. 378

Alphabetical overview ....... 379
Automation commands .... 501
Calibration command ....... 459

Call commands ................. 411
Cancel ...................... 147, 530
Combine .......................... 552
Comment ......................... 360
Communication command
......................................... 522
Continue .......................... 530
Copy ................................ 359
Cut ................................... 359
Definition ......................... 378
Delete .............................. 359
Dosing command ............. 474
Edit .................................. 356
Formula entry ................... 359
General ............................ 378
Insert ........................ 356, 359
Interrupt ........................... 530
Measuring commands ...... 424
Move ............................... 358
Process analysis ................ 553
Properties ......................... 359
Representation ................. 378
Representation in the run . 147
Select ............................... 358
Term ................................ 958
Track command ................ 381
Variables ............................ 23
Various commands ........... 540
Voltammetry commands ... 396

Command variables

ADD AUX ......................... 475
ADD SAMPLE ................... 481
ADD SAMPLE DT .............. 484
ADD STD .......................... 478
ANALOG IN ...................... 565
ANALOG OUT .................. 562
CAL LOOP Opt ................. 464
CAL MEAS Opt ................. 467
CAL Spec .......................... 460
CALL ................................ 411
CALL COND ...................... 419
CALL INTERCEPT ............... 417
CALL VA ........................... 414
CALL VMS ........................ 416
CONTROL ......................... 568
CTRL ................................. 523
CVS .................................. 396
DIGITAL IN ....................... 559
DIGITAL OUT .................... 554
EMPTY ............................. 496
ERROR .............................. 395
EXIT ................................. 394
HEATER ............................ 519
LIFT .................................. 508