4 sample changer - assigning a position, Assigning position – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

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8 Manual control

viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)



Robotic arm position
Set the robotic arm position (angle) on the selected tower.

Current position

Shows the current position of the robotic arm in °.

Target position

Selection or entry of the robotic arm position to be approached.

Input range

0.0 - 330.0 °

Default value

0.0 °


External 1 - 4

Swing rate

Swing rate for manual control of the Swing Head on the sample changer.

Input range

10 - 55 °/s

Default value

55 °/s


Starts moving to the target position. After the start, the button changes to
[Stop], the two lower buttons are shown as inactive (gray) and Move... is
shown as status message instead of Ready.

Moves the robotic arm to the left (towards ) at a swing rate of 55°/s as
long as this button is pressed.

Moves the robotic arm to the right (towards 330°) at a swing rate of
55°/s, as long as this button is pressed.

Sample changer - Assigning a position

Program part: Manual control

Here you can assign the current rack position, lift position or robotic arm
position to a specific special position.

Rack position
Assign the current rack position to a specific special beaker.

Current position

Shows the current rack position.