5 dt calibration curve properties – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 605

background image


5 Method

viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)





With this button, the data modified in the dialog window for the dis-
played substance is adopted and the dialog window is closed.


With this button, the data modified in the dialog window for the dis-
played substance is not adopted and the dialog window is closed.

DT calibration curve properties

Dialog window: Method

Evaluation - Calibration Calibration


[Edit] Properties... Properties calibration

The calibration curve parameters for the substance selected in the table
can be edited in the Properties calibration dialog window.

Measuring command

Shows the selected measuring command.


Shows the selected substance.

Evaluation quantity

Selection of the size according to which the substance is to be evaluated.


Area | Height

Default value



on | off (Default value: on)

If this check box is activated, then the points on the calibration curve will
be weighted in accordance with the formula 1/evaluation quantity


Evaluation ratio

Evaluation ratio Q/Q(0) with which the calibration factor is calculated.

Input range

0.01 - 1.10

Default value


Evaluation parameters for standard

Curve type

Curve type for the evaluation of the calibration curve. Determines the type
according to which the calibration curve is to be fitted. A minimum num-
ber p of different effective addition volumes must exist for the standard
solution for the various curve types so that it is possible to fit this calibra-