Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 336

background image

4.6 Curves subwindow




viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)

Manual scaling

Start value

Initial value for scaling the y1 axis.

Editable only when autoscaling is deactivated.
Input range

-1.00E+12 - +1.00E+12

Default value


End value

End value for scaling the y1 axis.

Editable only when autoscaling is deactivated.
Input range

-1.00E+12 - +1.00E+12

Default value



Curve color

Selection of the color for the line of the curve.


13 colors | light blue

Default value

light blue


Selection of the symbol for the display of the individual measuring points.


● | ╳ | ✸ | ■ | ▲ | no symbol

Default value

no symbol

no symbol
Measuring points are not shown.


The individual measuring points are no longer displayed for curves for
which the distance between two measuring points is smaller than 5 pix-
els, even if a symbol has been selected. In this case, the graphics win-
dow might be enlarged in order to display the symbols again.

Symbol color

Selection of the color for the measuring point symbol.


13 colors | light blue

Default value

light blue