4 cal spec - calibration wavelengths, 5 cal spec - calibration wavelength, Calibration wavelengths – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 475

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5 Method

viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)



CAL Spec - Calibration wavelengths

Tab: Method

CAL Spec Properties... CAL Spec - 'Command name' Cali-

bration wavelengths

Command name

Name of the command.


25 characters

The reference wavelengths with which the spectrometer is calibrated can
be entered on this tab.


Tolerance for the preset wavelength when assigning the highest peak
maximum found during the calibration measurement to the reference
wavelength. If a peak is outside the range Wavelength +/- Tolerance,
the calibration will be canceled. The existing calibration in the configura-
tion remains in effect.

Input range

0.1 - 1,100.0 nm

Default value

0.5 nm


Opens the Calibration wavelength # dialog window to enter wave-
lengths and tolerances (see Chapter, page 463).


Opens the Calibration wavelength # dialog window to edit the values
selected in the table (see Chapter, page 463).


Deletes the selected line.

CAL Spec - Calibration wavelength #

Tab: Method

CAL Spec Properties... CAL Spec - 'Command name' Cali-

bration wavelengths

[New] / [Properties] Calibration wavelength #


Input range

200.0 - 1,100.0 nm

Default value

'empty' nm