4 meas opt conc - additional measured values – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 463
5 Method
viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
This section is displayed only when Device type = 089 Photometer.
Measuring temperature which can be entered manually. The temperature
is measured continuously when Temperature measurement = contin-
uous (tab General/Hardware).
Input range
20.0 - 60 °C
Default value
25.0 °C
MEAS Opt Conc - Additional measured values
Tab: Method
▶ MEAS Opt Conc ▶ Properties... ▶ MEAS Opt Conc - 'Command
▶ Additional measured values
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
A maximum of 6 additional measured values can be defined on this tab.
These values can then be saved together in additional measured value col-
umns with the measured values present in the default settings.
Additional calculated measured values
Additional calculated measured values
on | off (Default value: off)
If this check box is activated, then a maximum of three new measured val-
ues can be calculated and saved from existing measured values that can
also be displayed as curves under the designation Calculated 1 - 3 and
be used as variables 'Command name.CA1 - 3' in formulas.
Opens the Calc. measured value # dialog window, in which the param-
eters for the additional measured value can be entered (see Chapter, page 458).
Opens the Calc. measured value # dialog window, in which the param-
eters for the additional measured value can be edited (see Chapter, page 458).
Deletes the calculated measured value selected in the table.