2 lqh - general/hardware – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 501
5 Method
viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
LQH - General/Hardware
Tab: Method
▶ LQH ▶ Properties... ▶ General/Hardware
Command name
Name of the command.
25 characters
The general parameters for the instrument and the dosing device are
defined on this tab.
Device name
Selection of a device from those available in the device table. Only devices
with which the command can be executed are available.
'Device name' | not defined
Default value
not defined
not defined
In this case, the device name must be assigned by the user at the start
of the method.
Device type
Display or selection of the instrument type. If an instrument is selected in
the Device name field, the Device type field can no longer be edited
and the instrument type belonging to the instrument is displayed.
If the not defined option is selected in the Device name field, all instru-
ment types or groups with which the command can be executed can be
selected, regardless of the instruments present in the device table.
846 Dosing Interface | 814 USB Sample Pro-
cessor | 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor
XL | 858.0010 Professional Sample Processor |
858.0020 Professional Sample Processor |
858.0030 Professional Sample Processor |
919.0020 IC Autosampler plus | 894 Profes-
sional CVS | 089 Photometer
Default value
894 Professional CVS
Dosing device
Dosing device
Selection of the dosing device with which the Liquid Handling command is
to be carried out. All the dosing device connections which are possible
with the selected device type are always displayed.