Y2 axis – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 302

background image

4.5 Determination overview




viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)

Symbol color

Selection of the color for the measuring point symbol.


13 colors | light blue

Default value

light blue


on | off (Default value: off)

Activates/deactivates smoothing for the curves.

Smoothing factor x axis

Factor for smoothing in the direction of the x axis.

Input range

0.01 - 1,000

Default value


Smoothing factor y axis

Factor for smoothing in the direction of the y axis.

Input range

0.01 - 1,000

Default value


Also show original curve

on | off (Default value: off)

If this check box is activated, then the original curve (solid line, same
color) will be shown in addition to the smoothed curve (dotted line).

Curve properties MEAS - y2 axis

Tab: Workplace / Database

Curves # Properties Curves # y2 Axis

Parameters for the graphical display of the overlaid curves on the y2 axis
(right-hand y axis).


Selection of the quantity to be shown on the y2 axis.

For MEAS Ref

Wavelength [nm] | Intensity [Counts] | Inten-
sity Dark [Counts]
| Transmission [%] | Satura-
ted pixels
| off

Default value
