1 general - direct controller, 2 properties - direct controller – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

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7.10 IO controller




viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)

General - Direct controller

This controller type represents a direct connection between a digital input
and a digital output.

The following properties can be set:

Ignore input settings

Edge delays can be set at the digital input. If desired, the controller can
react to the actual input signal instead of to the delayed edges.

Invert the output signal

The output is set to the opposite status of the input.

Properties - Direct controller

Dialog window Configuration

Devices [Edit] Properties... Properties - 'De-

vice type' - 'Device name'

Controller [Edit] Properties - 'Controller type'

Control variable

Selection of the controlled variable from all of the digital inputs of the
General input type.


'Port designation'

'Port designation'
Only digital input ports of the General input type can be selected.

Ignore input settings

on | off (Default value: off)

If this check box is activated, then the settings of the input signal will be

Actuating variable

Selects the control value from all of the digital outputs of the Controller


'Port designation'

'Port designation'
Only digital output ports of the Controller output type can be

Invert output signal

on | off (Default value: off)

If this check box is activated, then the output signal will be inverted.