Festo Контроллер позиционирования CPX-CMAX User Manual
Page 279
5. Parameter
Status movement test
PNU: 1174
Index: 1
Max index: 1
Class: Var
Data type: bitarray
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Current status of the movement test.
Bit 0
= 0: Movement test must be carried out
= 1: Movement test does not have to be carried out
Bit 1
= 0: Movement test was not carried out
= 1: Movement test was carried out
Bit 2
= 0: Result of the movement test is not clear
= 1: Result of movement test is clear
Bit 3
= 0: Tubing error
= 1: Tubing OK
Bit 4
= 0: Movement test was not skipped
= 1: Movement test was skipped
Information about the movement test can be found in section 3.2.1.
As long as the movement test has to be carried out (bit 0 = 0), the controller is not enabled.
SCON.ENABLED = 1 only indicates that movement enable is available for the movement test, the
valve is only operated if it is controlled.
With a starting edge for another task other than the movement test the fault E14 Movement test not
executed" is issued.
FCT indicates the status Movement test" in the Advanced data" frame. The LED turns green when
the parameter value has the status (binary, byte 1) xxx0 1111.
If the hardware was exchanged, the movement test is automatically reset by the CMAX (example:
exchange valve and change back again). This is not reversible.
The movement test staus can be reset or skipped with PNU 1192:07.
The parameter value cannot be changed.
Writing permissible only in commissioning/parametrising mode with disabled controller.
This parameter can be written by FCT without higher−order controller.
After writing, controller recalculation is carried out.