Festo Контроллер позиционирования CPX-CMAX User Manual
Page 123
3. Drive functions
Conditional record switching / record chaining (PNU 402)
Record select operating mode allows several positioning
tasks to be linked. This means that several records are autoĆ
matically executed one after the other after START. This alĆ
lows a travel profile to be defined, e.g. switching to another
speed after a position is reached.
To do this, a (decimal) condition is set in RCB2 to define that
the following record N + 1 is automatically executed after the
current record.
A numerical value is usually linked with the condition, e.g.
the switching position. This value is defined in PNU 405
(preselected value).
Motion Complete (SPOS.MC) is only set after the last exĆ
ecuted record.
If the MC condition is reached before the switching condition
is met, the record chain is interrupted and SPOS.MC is set. In
this case, bit 3 in the record status byte (RSB.RCE) is set and
a fault is signaled.
Record switching in record 64 leads to an execution error.
Switching can be suppressed by setting bit B7. In this case,
the CMAX executes the addressed record without an error
message. Switching is ignored, however, and the next record
is not executed.
This function is not meant for normal operation (debugging
function with FCT).
Record control byte 2 (PNU 402)
0 to 6
Numerical value 0 to 128: Switching condition as a list, see Tab. 3/23
Bit 7
= 0: Record switching (bit 0 to 6) is not disabled (default)
= 1: Record switching disabled
Tab. 3/21: Settings for conditional record switching and record chaining