PLANET XGS3-24042 User Manual
Page 957

[no]{deny|permit} {any-source-mac|{host-source-mac
Define an extended name MAC ACL rule, and no command deletes this extended name IP access
any-source-mac: any source of MAC address; any-destination-mac: any destination of MAC
address; host_smac, smac: source MAC address; smac-mask: mask (reverse mask) of source
MAC address; host_dmac, dmas destination MAC address; dmac-mask mask (reverse mask) of
destination MAC address; untagged-eth2 format of untagged ethernet II packet; tagged-eth2
format of tagged ethernet II packet; untagged-802-3 format of untagged ethernet 802.3 packet;
tagged-802-3 format of tagged ethernet 802.3 packet; cos-val: cos value, 0-7; cos-bitmask: cos
mask, 0-7reverse mask and mask bit is consecutive; vid-value: VLAN No, 1-4094; vid-bitmask:
VLAN mask, 0-4095, reverse mask and mask bit is consecutive; protocol: specific Ethernet
protocol No., 1536-65535; protocol-bitmask: protocol mask, 0-65535, reverse mask and mask bit
is consecutive.
mask bit is consecutive means the effective bit must be consecutively effective from the first bit on
the left, no ineffective bit can be added through. For example: the reverse mask format of one byte
is: 00001111b; mask format is 11110000; and this is not permitted: 00010011.
Command Mode:
Name extended MAC access-list configuration mode
Default configuration:
No access-list configured.
The forward source MAC address is not permitted as 00-12-11-23-XX-XX of 802.3 data packet.
Switch(config)# mac-access-list extended macExt
Switch(Config-Mac-Ext-Nacl-macExt)#deny 00-12-11-23-00-00 00-00-00-00-ff-ff