Echelon LonMaker User Manual
Page 345

LonMaker User’s Guide
Scope: All networks, current LonMaker computer
Delete Dynamic NV
when NV Shape is
Deletes a dynamic network variable from a device when its network
variable shape is deleted from a functional block shape. You have
three choices:
• No. The dynamic network variable is not deleted.
• Yes. The dynamic network variable is automatically deleted.
• Ask. The LonMaker tool will prompt you to decide whether to
delete the dynamic network variable. This is the default.
Scope: All networks, current LonMaker computer
Reference Shape
Select how the LonMaker tool aligns reference connection shapes.
The alignment settings are applied if the Align Reference Shapes
option is set on the functional block. To set this option, right-click a
functional block, point to Display Options, and click Align
Reference Shapes if it is not already set.
Horizontal Alignment
Selects how the LonMaker tool aligns overlapping connector
reference shapes. You have three choices:
• Staggered Wide. Connector reference shapes are staggered
horizontally, in two columns, with their centers aligned. This is
the default.
• Staggered Narrow. Connector reference shapes are staggered
horizontally, in two columns, with the outermost reference
shapes located close to the functional block shape and somewhat
overlapping with reference shapes above and below them.
• Overlapped. Connector reference shapes are not staggered and
will overlap.
Scope: Current network, current LonMaker computer
Overlap Threshold
Determines the point at which the LonMaker tool will overlap
multiple connector reference shapes that are attached to the same
network variable shape on one side of a functional block.
Overlapping connector reference shapes cannot be aligned with the
network variable shapes to which they are connected.
If the overlap threshold factor multiplied by the height of the
functional block shape is greater than the total height of the
reference connector shapes (including spacing), the reference
connector shapes will not be overlapped.
The default overlap threshold factor is 1.3. For the best appearance,
keep this value below 2.
Scope: Current network, current LonMaker computer
Ref Shape Spacing
Determines the vertical spacing between multiple connector
reference shapes when they are not aligned with the network variable
shapes to which they are connected.
The default reference shape spacing value is 1.1.
Scope: Current network, current LonMaker computer