Merging lonmaker networks – Echelon LonMaker User Manual

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248 Maintaining


will likely change. In addition, all previously commissioned devices in the source network must
be recommissioned.

Commission Status. Devices in the source network are unconfigured in the destination network

upon the completion of the network merge. However, the Neuron IDs of the devices are preserved
in the destination network and the LonMaker credits needed to commission them are added.

Network service devices. All network service devices (and their functional blocks and

connections) in the source network are removed during the merge.

Unreferenced device templates. Device templates that have been imported but do not have any

corresponding devices are not created in the destination network.

Unreferenced connection descriptions. Connection descriptions that have been created but do

not have any corresponding connections are not created in the destination network.

User profiles. User profiles in the source network are not created in the destination network.
Non LonMaker extension records. Non LonMaker extension records will only be copied if you

selected the Enable Configuration Properties check box the network properties: Configuration
options category, and the extension record is marked for copying

Merging LonMaker Networks

To merge LonMaker networks, follow these steps:

1. Identify the source and destination networks. The supernodes, subsystems, devices, functional

blocks, and connections in the source network are added to the destination network. The devices
in the destination network are not modified.

2. Back up the source LonMaker network design following the steps in Manually Backing Up a

LonMaker Network Design in this chapter. You can use the backup to restore the network if the
merge process fails for any reason. You can also use it to restore the network if you later choose
not to merge the networks after running the pre-merge utility.

In the event that you do not merge the networks after running the pre-merge utility in the source
network, restore the LonMaker backup file. This is because the pre-merge utility adds significant
data to the LonMaker drawing that will degrade the performance of the network database.

3. Open the source LonMaker network design following the steps described in Opening an Existing

LonMaker Network Design in Chapter 3, Getting Started.

4. Open


LonMaker menu, point to Synchronization, and click Database Merge Export

Utility. The Merge Export Utility dialog box opens.