Echelon Mini EVK FT User Manual
Mini evk ft quick start guide

Insert the Mini EVK CD into your CD-ROM drive.
1. The Mini EVK installer starts automatically.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
3. When you have finished, eject the CD.
Assemble the Evaluation Boards and run the demo application.
1. Connect each MiniGizmo to an Evaluation Board.
2. Connect a Mini EVK Power Supply to each Evaluation Board, and then plug-in the
power supplies.
3. Connect the orange network connector on each Evaluation Board to an orange
network connector on the network cable included with your Mini EVK.
4. Connect push buttons on the FT 3120
Evaluation Board to LEDs on the FT 3150
Evaluation Board by pushing the Connect button (SW5 – SW8 on the 3150
Evaluation Board or SW8 on the 3120 Evaluation Board) on either board, then the
Connect button on the other board, and then pressing Connect button on the
first board again.
Attach your computer to the TP/FT-10 channel.
1. Connect the green network connector on the network cable to the U10 USB
Network Interface.
2. Plug the U10 USB Network Interface into a USB port on your computer.
3. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, choose any of the three Windows
Update options, at your preference. Click Next to continue.
4. Select Install the Software Automatically (Recommended). Click Next
to continue.
5. A completion dialog appears. Click Finish.
Quick Start Guide
SW5 – SW8 (3150)
SW8 (3120)