Echelon LonMaker User Manual
Page 165

LonMaker User’s Guide
Setting the Initial Application Device State and Source of Configuration
Property Values
When the Device Initial State window appears, follow these steps:
1. Specify the initial state of the device applications, source of the configuration property values, and
management of device-specific configuration properties by setting the following options:
Set the state of the device application after it has been commissioned.
You have four choices:
• Default. The state of the device application is determined by the
current setting under the New Device Options box in the network
properties: Device options category. If the device was previously
commissioned and is able to communicate, the default state is the
state of the device before the current operation.
• Online. Places the device in the online state. The behavior in the
online state depends on the device. A Neuron-hosted device, for
example, will run its application after it has been commissioned.
• Offline. Places the device in the offline state. The behavior in the
offline state depends on the device. A Neuron-hosted device, for
example, will not run its application after it has been
commissioned. This is the default and can be used to bring up a
system incrementally.
When a device is offline, portions of its application may still
function and it will still respond to Online, Wink, and Test
commands. An offline device still receives network variable
updates, but it typically does not process updated network variable
values or send network variable updates.
Resetting an offline device makes it go online, unless the device is