Echelon OpenLDV User Manual
Openldv programmer’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Welcome
- Audience
- Examples
- Related Documentation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Using the OpenLDV API
- Introduction to OpenLDV Programming
- OpenLDV Application Architecture
- Overview of the OpenLDV API
- The OpenLDV API
- Working with Devices and Drivers
- Using the OpenLDV API
- ldv_close()
- ldv_free_device_info()
- ldv_free_driver_info()
- ldv_free_matching_devices()
- ldv_get_device_info()
- ldv_get_driver_info()
- ldv_get_matching_devices()
- ldv_get_version
- ldv_locate_sicb()
- ldv_open()
- ldv_open_cap()
- ldv_read()
- ldv_register_event()
- ldv_set_device_info()
- ldv_set_driver_info()
- ldv_write()
- ldv_xlate_device_name()
- ldvx_open()
- ldvx_register_window()
- ldvx_shutdown()
- Structures and Enumerations for the Device API
- Structures and Enumerations for the Driver API
- Windows Messages for Session Notifications
- OpenLDV API Return Codes
- Example: A Simple OpenLDV Application
- 3. Sending and Receiving Messages with the OpenLDV API
- 4. The OpenLDV Developer Example
- 5. Using the xDriver Default Profile
- Extending xDriver
- 7. LNS Programming with xDriver
- A. Custom Network Interfaces
- B. LNS Methods and Events for xDriver Support
- C. Custom Lookup Extension Component Programming
- Overview
- ILdvxConfigure Interface
- ILdvxLookup Interface
- ILdvxSCO Interface
- GetAdditionalDownlinkPacketHeader Method
- GetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer Method
- GetAuthenticationFlag Method
- GetCurrentAuthenticationKey Method
- GetDownlinkKey Method
- GetEncryptionType Method
- GetLNSNetworkName Method
- GetNextAuthenticationKey Method
- GetSessionControlObjectID Method
- GetUplinkKey Method
- SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketHeader Method
- SetAdditionalDownlinkPacketTrailer Method
- SetAuthenticationFlag Method
- SetCurrentAuthenticationKey Method
- SetDownlinkKey Method
- SetEncryptionType Method
- SetLNSNetworkName Method
- SetNextAuthenticationKey Method
- SetUplinkKey Method
- ILdvxSCO_TCP Interface
- ILdvxSCO2 Interface
- Index