Restoring a lonmaker network, Restoring a network database backup – Echelon LonMaker User Manual
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LonMaker User’s Guide
• /DB. Specifies that only the LNS network database is to be backed up (the default is to
backup both the LNS network database and the drawing).
• /Drawing. Specifies that only the LonMaker drawing is to be backed up.
Restoring a LonMaker Network
You can restore a LonMaker network from a standard LonMaker backup or a hot backup. If you
restore a LonMaker network containing only a network database or a LonMaker drawing, the
LonMaker tool replaces the current drawing file and/or database with the backup copy (unless the
network does not already exist on a local client). If you restore a backup containing both components,
the LonMaker tool replaces the existing files with the backup copies and then lets you open the
LonMaker drawing to recommission any devices that have changed since the LonMaker network was
backed up.
The following sections describe how to restore a network database backup (standard LonMaker backup
or hot backup), a LonMaker drawing backup, and a full network backup containing both network
database and LonMaker drawing files.
Restoring a Network Database Backup
To restore a network database backup, follow these steps:
1. Open the LonMaker Design Manager. Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to
Echelon LonMaker, and then select LonMaker.
2. Select the network database to restore from the Database Name list.
3. Click
Restore. The LonMaker Restore dialog box opens, unless the currently selected network
does not have any backups saved in the default location. In this case, proceed to step 4 in which
the Select Backup File dialog opens.