Echelon LonMaker User Manual

Page 215

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LonMaker User’s Guide


Resetting an offline device makes it go online, unless the device
is in the hard offline state, in which case it will remain offline
after a reset.


Keeps the device application disabled even if the

device is reset

. For a device to be disabled, it must contain a

Node Object functional block. If Disable is selected and the
device does not contain a Node Object, the device is placed
offline. As with offline operation, portions of a disabled
device’s application may continue to function.

Source of CP Values

Specify the source of the device’s configuration property values.
You have three choices:

LNS Database. The current configuration property values

stored in the LNS network database will be written to the

Default. The default configuration property values stored in the

device template will be written to the device. This option
requires a device template based on a version 4 or higher XIF
file with specified default values. See the L





Interface File Developer’s Guide for more details. This is the

If you select Default, select whether network variable type
configuration properties (SCPTnvType) are restored to their
default values when the device is commissioned. If you want
them to be restored, select the Include NV Type CPs checkbox.
This check box is cleared by default. This operation will not
work if any of the affected network variables are connected.

Application Image File. The configuration property values

specified in the application image file will be written to the LNS
network database.

Device Specific CPs

Select how device-specific configuration properties are managed
when a device is commissioned. Device-specific configuration
properties are configuration properties that may be changed
independently from the LNS network database (by the device itself
or by a tool not based on LNS, for example) .

Do Not Update. Device-specific configuration properties will

not be modified in the device or in the LNS network database.
This is the default.

Update with Other CPs. The device-specific configuration

property values will be set based on the option selected in the
Source of CP Values box. For example, if you select LNS
in the Source of CP Values box, the device-specific
configuration property values stored in the LNS network
database will be written to the device.

Upload from New App Image. New device-specific

configuration property values are read from the updated device
application and written to the LNS network database.

Preserve Device Values. The current device-specific

configuration property values set in the device will be written to
the LNS network database before the new application image is
written to the device. Once the new application image has been