Using reference connection shapes – Echelon LonMaker User Manual

Page 133

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LonMaker User’s Guide


of the selected functional blocks and supernodes and displays
connection between any pairs.

From or To Selected FB/SNs. Displays all connections from or

to all selected functional blocks and supernodes.

3. Under


Hub tab, select the hub network variable for the connection. The icon for the selected

NV will be highlighted yellow. To connect a network variable on a functional block or supernode
not listed in the Hub tab, including those in a different subsystem, click Add FB/SNs and add the
desired functional block or supernode.

4. Click


Target tab. Select the desired target network variable for the connection. The icon for

the selected target network variable will be highlighted yellow. To connect a network variable on
a functional block or supernode that is not listed in the Target tab, including those in a different
subsystem, click Add FB/SNs to add the desired functional block or supernode.

5. Click

Add. The connection will be added to the Connections box below. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to

create additional connections. Optionally, you can select one target network variable and then
Add All to create connections to the selected hub with all compatible target network variables
with the same name and type of the selected target network variable. This is useful for quickly
creating large fan-in or fan-out connections.

6. In


New Connections box, select a connection description to assign to all the new connections

listed in the Connections box. You can click Properties to view and modify the properties of the
connection description displayed in the New Connections box. See Using Connection
in this chapter for more information on using and creating connection descriptions.

7. Click

OK. The connections listed in the Connections box will be added to your LonMaker


8. If the LonMaker tool is attached to the network and OnNet, and the devices participating in the

connection have been commissioned, the connection information in the physical devices is also

Using Reference Connection Shapes

You can use reference connection shapes to simplify a LonMaker drawing and connect functional
blocks and supernodes in different subsystems. A reference connection replaces the single connector
shape between a set of connected functional blocks or supernodes with a pair of identically named
reference connection shapes that are attached to both ends of the connection. The reference connection
functions in the same manner as a normal connection— the only difference is the graphics used to
represent the connection.

Reference connection shapes by default are numbered, starting at 1. The numbering for each
subsequent set of reference connector shapes used is incremented by one. You can rename the
reference connector shapes to something meaningful; however, the name must be unique within the
network. If a name is not unique, the LonMaker tool will suggest an alternative name that is unique (it
will suggest a name with an index [starting at 1] appended to the name, or a name with the index
incremented). If you change the name on one end of the connection, the name on the other end will
automatically be updated. You cannot renumber reference connection shapes.