Echelon ISI User Manual
Isi programmer’s guide version 3
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Quick Start
- Self-Installation Basic Procedures
- Starting and Stopping Self-Installation
- Implementing Periodic Services
- Handling an Incoming Message
- Acquiring a Domain Address
- Enrolling in a Connection
- Canceling a Connection
- Deleting a Connection
- Handling ISI Events
- Deinstalling a Device
- Recovering from a Programming Error
- Declaring Network Variable Arrays
- Using the run_unconfigured Compiler Directive
- Implementing a SCPTnwrkCnfg CP
- Quick Start, Revisited
- Developing and Debugging an ISI Application
- Self-Installation Advanced Procedures
- Overriding a Callback Function
- Forwarders
- Assembly Number Allocation
- Supporting Compound Assembly Connections
- Creating a Polled Connection
- Creating an Acknowledged Connection
- Turnaround Connections
- Customizing the ISI Connection Table
- Getting ISI Version Information
- Discovering Devices
- Accelerating Device Discovery
- Creating a Connection with Controlled Enrollment
- Recovering Connections
- Sending an NV Update or Polling an NV from a Controller
- Monitoring Data from a Controller and Designing Devices for Monitoring
- Sending Periodic Heartbeats
- Sending Application-Specific Periodic Messages
- Optimizing the Footprint of ISI Applications
- Transitioning between Managed and Self-Installed Networks
- API Data Types
- ConnDesc Structure
- IsiAbortReason Enumeration
- IsiCid Structure
- IsiConnection Structure
- IsiConnectionHeader Structure
- IsiConnectionState Enumeration
- IsiControl Enumeration
- IsiCsma Structure
- IsiCsmc Structure
- IsiCsmd Structure
- IsiCsme Structure
- IsiCsmi Structure
- IsiCsmo Structure
- IsiCsmoData Structure
- IsiCsmr Structure
- IsiCsmx Structure
- IsiCtrp Structure
- IsiCtrq Structure
- IsiDiagnostic Enumeration
- IsiDidcf Structure
- IsiDidrm Structure
- IsiDidrq Structure
- IsiDirection Enumeration
- IsiDrum Structure
- IsiEvent Enumeration
- IsiFlags Enumeration
- IsiMessage Structure
- IsiMessageCode Enumeration
- IsiMessageHeader Structure
- IsiRdcs Structure
- IsiRdct Structure
- IsiScope Enumeration
- IsiTimg Structure
- IsiType Enumeration
- API Functions
- IsiAcquireDomain()
- IsiApproveMsg()
- IsiApproveMsgDas()
- IsiCancelAcquisition()
- IsiCancelAcquisitionDas()
- IsiCancelEnrollment()
- IsiCreateEnrollment()
- IsiDeleteEnrollment()
- IsiExtendEnrollment()
- IsiFetchDevice()
- IsiFetchDomain()
- IsiGetFreeAliasCount()
- IsiImplementationVersion()
- IsiInitiateAutoEnrollment()
- IsiIsBecomingHost()
- IsiIsConnected()
- IsiIsRunning()
- IsiIssueHeartbeat()
- IsiLeaveEnrollment()
- IsiMsgDeliver()
- IsiMsgSend()
- IsiOpenEnrollment()
- IsiPreStart()
- IsiProcessMsg()
- IsiProcessResponse()
- IsiProtocolVersion()
- IsiReturnToFactoryDefaults()
- IsiStart()
- IsiStartDeviceAcquisition()
- IsiStop()
- IsiTick()
- Callback Functions
- IsiCreateCsmo()
- IsiCreatePeriodicMsg()
- IsiGetAssembly()
- IsiGetConnection()
- IsiGetConnectionTableSize()
- IsiGetNextAssembly()
- IsiGetNextNvIndex()
- IsiGetNvIndex()
- IsiGetPrimaryDid()
- IsiGetPrimaryGroup()
- IsiGetRepeatCount()
- IsiGetWidth()
- IsiQueryHeartbeat()
- IsiSetConnection()
- IsiSetDomain()
- IsiUpdateDiagnostics()
- IsiUpdateUserInterface()
- ISI Router Configuration
- Glossary