Viewing the lonmaker event log – Echelon LonMaker User Manual

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LonMaker User’s Guide


You can change the defaults for how frequently your LonMaker tool checks the LonMaker event log,
and the maximum number of entries it stores in the log. To change the default synchronization
settings, select the network properties: Synchronization options category.

Additional benefits of the LonMaker event log are that it can be used by the LonMaker tool to restore
your work if you computer fails while you are updating a drawing, and it can reduce the number of
times that you need to resynchronize a LonMaker drawing. You may still need to resynchronize if
applications other than the LonMaker tool make changes to the LNS database that affect a LonMaker
drawing but are not reported by LNS events, or if log entries are deleted.

You can view the LonMaker event log, and you can export it to an XML file.

Viewing the LonMaker Event Log

You can view the LonMaker event log to see a summary of the changes made by LonMaker users to
the objects and subsystems in a LonMaker network. To view the LonMaker event log, open the
LonMaker menu, point to Synchronization, and then click Display Event Log.

You can sort the LonMaker event log by any of the column headers. To sort by a column header, click
the header. Click the header again to toggle the order (ascending or descending) in which the data in
that column is listed.

The columns contain the following data:

Date/time. The date and time the event occurred. By default, the LonMaker Event Log lists the

changes by date/time in ascending order.

Document. The name of the document in which the change occurred.
Sequence #. The sequence number of the event. Each LonMaker drawing has its own sequence


Event. The type of event that occurred.
User name. The user name, or if not specified, the application instance (in square brackets).
Object Type. The type of the object affected by the event.
Subsystem. The subsystem in which the event occurred.
Object name. The name of the object affected by the change. If the object is no longer defined in

the LNS database, its handle will be listed.