Managing functional blocks, Using data point shapes, Adding and monitoring a data point shape – Echelon LonMaker User Manual

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Monitoring and Controlling Networks

Managing Functional Blocks

You can disable, override, and test a functional block from the LonMaker Browser. To do this, open
the Browse menu and then click Manage. See Managing Functional Blocks in Chapter 8, Managing
, for more information.

Using Data Point Shapes

You can use a Data Point shape in a LonMaker drawing to monitor the value of any network variable
configuration property, or functional block state (enabled or in override). You can also use a Data
Point shape to update the value of an input network variable or configuration property. You can use
Data Point shapes to create simple human-machine interface (HMI) applications within your
LonMaker drawing.

Adding and Monitoring a Data Point Shape

You can add a Data Point shape to your LonMaker drawing, and use it to monitor a network variable
configuration property, or functional block state. To add a Data Point shape to your LonMaker
drawing, follow these steps:

1. Drag a Data Point shape

from the LonMaker Basic Shapes stencil to your LonMaker

drawing. The Data Point Shape dialog box opens.

This dialog provides a hierarchal view of your LonMaker network, listing the objects in your
network in the order of subsystems, devices, functional blocks, functional block states, network
variables, and then configuration properties.

2. Select the network variable, configuration property, or functional block state to monitor by

browsing through the network hierarchy. You can also right-click a subsystem and click Expand
from the network navigator to display all the objects in that subsystem, including any nested
subsystems and their objects.

3. Optionally, you can select the following basic attributes for the selected data point.