Functional block master shapes – Echelon LonMaker User Manual

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Creating and Using Custom LonMaker Shapes and Stencils

only on each channel. The LonMaker tool places all subsequent devices that are on the same channel
in the master shape on the channel that you select for the first device on the channel, and have their
properties set as specified in the master shape. To manually set the channels and properties for each
device, select the Force Wizard Prompts check box in the network properties: General options
category as described in Appendix A.

When you drag a master shape that includes a device shape to a drawing, the LonMaker tool does the
following for each device master shape:

1. If the master shape includes a program ID in a ProgramID user cell (see Additional Device User

Cells), the LonMaker tool looks up the device template using the program ID. If the master shape
does not include a program ID but includes a device template name in a TmplName user cell (see
Additional Device User Cells), it looks up the device template based on the specified device
template name.

2. If the LonMaker tool does not find a device template in step 1, it looks for the device interface

(XIF) file specified in the XifName user cell. If the device interface file is found, the LonMaker
tool looks up the device template by the program ID specified in the device interface file. If a
device template with a matching program ID is found, the user is given the option of changing the
name of the device template to the name specified by the device shape, or using the existing
device template name. In either case, the existing device template is associated with the device

3. If the LonMaker tool does not find a device template in steps 1 and 2, but it does find the device

interface file, it creates a new device template by importing the device interface file. The
LonMaker tool gives the new device template the name specified in the device shape, and
associates it with the device shape.

4. If the LonMaker tool does not find a device template or device interface file in steps 1 through 3, it

prompts you to select an existing device template or to define a new device template by importing
a device interface file. The resulting device template is associated with the device shape.

A functional block shape may include a device template name and/or program ID. The device
template name assigned by the above procedure must match the name in any functional block shapes
that will be used with the newly created device shape. See Additional Functional Block User Cells for
more information.

Functional Block Master Shapes

You can include one or more LonMaker Functional Block shapes in a custom master shape. Each of
these is called a functional block master shape. Each functional block master shape includes the
device template and/or program ID as well as the network variable and configuration property types,
formats, and values associated with the original functional block. To eliminate configuration property
values, clear Copy Values on Functional Block Copy. See Configuration Property Properties for
more information.

By default, custom functional block master shapes always apply to the device type for which they were
created. For example, if you create a master functional block shape to be used with a LonPoint AO-10
device, that shape can only be used with AO-10 LonPoint devices. To create a functional block shape
that can be used with multiple device types, edit the shape as described in Editing Master Shape User
Defined Cells

When you drag a custom master shape that includes any functional block shapes to a drawing, the
following conditions apply:

• If a custom master shape contains functional blocks, but not their associated devices, you must

create the devices to be associated with the functional blocks before dragging the custom master
shape to the drawing.

• If you drop a custom master shape containing a functional block and its associated device, the

functional block wizard does not appear because it knows its associated device.