Echelon LonMaker User Manual
Page 224

208 Maintaining
a. To enable hot backups, select the Use LNSHot Backups check box under Backup Options.
If you select this check box, the LonMaker tool creates a hot backup of the network database
if an application is accessing the LNS network database when you attempt to back up the
network. Creating a hot backup prevents remote clients or other LNS applications accessing
the network database from being disrupted. If you clear this check box, you can still create a
hot backup (see step 6 for more information)
b. Select or clear the Backup Import Folder check box to include or exclude the Import folder
(includes XIF and .APB files) in the backup file, and select or clear the Backup Types
Folder check box to include or exclude the Types folder (includes L
resource files).
Tip: You can set whether the options for using LNS hot backups and backing up the Import and
Types folders are enabled by default in the network properties: Backup/Restore options category
(see Appendix A for more information on setting these options).
5. To change the default backup file name, click Browse and navigate to a different directory and
enter the file name, or enter the file name in the Backup File field. The default backup directory
is C:\LM\ Backup\<LonMaker network>. The default backup file depends on the which
components you included in the backup file:
• If the backup file includes the drawing and database, the default backup file is <LonMaker
• If the backup file includes only the drawing, the default backup file is <LonMaker
• If the backup file includes only the database, the default backup file is <LonMaker
6. Click
• If the LNS network database is not being accessed, the LonMaker tool automatically creates a
standard backup of the database.
• If the LNS network database is being accessed and hot backups are enabled, the LonMaker
tool automatically creates a hot backup of the database.