Portcfgautodisable – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 671

Fabric OS Command Reference
Enables or disables the port autodisable flag.
portcfgautodisable --enable [slot/]port[-port]
portcfgautodisable --disable [slot/]port[-port]
Use this command to enable or disable the autodisable feature for a specified port or a range of
ports. If the ports are already in the requested configuration, no action is taken. If a range of ports
is specified, some of which are already in the requested configuration, a notification is generated,
and no action is taken for those ports only. All other ports in the specified range are updated.
Execution of this command is nondisruptive.
The default behavior of the autodisable feature is to be disabled for all ports unless you specifically
enable the feature.
When executed without operands, this command displays the usage. Use the portCfgShow
command to determine if the port autodisable flag is on or off.
The port autodisable feature minimizes traffic disruption introduced in some instances when
automatic port recovery is performed. When the autodisable flag is set, the specified ports disable
automatically under any conditions that would cause the port to reinitialize. Such conditions
include loss of sync, loss of signal, OLS, or NOS. Note that a link reset does not cause a port
autodisable. When a port is in FICON Management Server (FMS) mode, an autodisabled port
remains persistently disabled across HA failover. In all cases, the automatically disabled port may
be brought back into service using the portEnable command.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
The Fabric OS port configuration commands are not supported on FCoE ports.
This command has the following operands:
Enables the autodisable feature on the specified ports.
Disables the autodisable feature on the specified ports.
Specifies the slot number on bladed systems, followed by a slash (/).
Specifies a port or a port range, relative to the slot number on bladed
systems, for example, 5/17-29.
To enable the autodisable feature on a single port:
portcfgautodisable --enable 1
To enable the autodisable feature on a port, on which this feature is already enabled:
portcfgautodisable --enable 8
Same configuration for port 8
To enable the autodisable feature on a port range.
portcfgautodisable --enable 0-8