Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 1031

Fabric OS Command Reference
delete username
Deletes the specified account from the switch. This command prompts for
confirmation. Once an account is deleted, the CLI sessions associated with
the account are terminated.
The following restrictions apply when you delete an account:
You cannot delete a default account.
You cannot delete your own account.
AD_ID_list or LF_ID list and associated AD or LF permissions for username
must be a subset of the AD or LF permissions of the account that executes
the userConfig --delete command.
Displays the command usage. In an LF-enabled environment, LF-specific
options are displayed. In an AD-enabled environment, AD-specific options are
A. The following examples illustrate how to create and manage user accounts in an AD-enabled
To add a new account:
userconfig --add joe -r admin -d "Joe Smith"
Setting initial password for joe
Enter new password:
Re-type new password:
Account joe has been successfully added.
To add a new account noninteractively:
userconfig --add joe -r admin -d "Joe Smith" -p welCome2brcd
Account joe has been successfully added.
To display current account information:
userconfig --show joe
Account name: joe
Role: admin
Description: Joe Smith
Enabled: Yes
Password Last Change Date: Unknown
Password Expiration Date: Not Applicable
Locked: No
AD membership: 0
Home AD: 0
To disable the account “joe”:
userconfig --change joe -e no
Broadcast message from root Sat Apr 2 03:03:32 2005...
Security Policy, Password or Account Attribute Change: joe will be logged out
Attribute for account joe has been successfully changed.
To add an account named bob with role ZoneAdmin and AD member list 1,4,10,11,12,13,14 and
Home AD 4:
userConfig --add bob -r ZoneAdmin -a 1,4,10-14 -h 4