Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 863

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Fabric OS Command Reference






Displays the content of the CSR on the switch without page breaks. Use the
pipe operator followed by the “more” option to display the content one page
at a time.

delcsr [-nowarn]

Deletes CSR. This command prompts for confirmation before deleting the
CSR unless -nowarn is specified.

generate -fcapall

Generates FCAP switch CSR, passphrase, and key.

-keysize 1024 | 2048

Specifies the size of the key. Valid values are 1024 or 2048. bits. The greater
the value, the more secure is the connection; however, performance
degrades with size.


Deletes the specified certificate. Specify one of the following operands:


Deletes all LDAP CA certificates. You must specify a file name when deleting
the LDAP CA certificates. All LDAP certificates are concatenated in a single
file. Use show -ldapcacert to list that file name on the switch. You cannot
delete an individual certificate.


Deletes the FCAP CA certificate.


Deletes the FCAP SW certificate.


Deletes all FCAP objects including the switch CSR, keys, pass phrase, Root CA
certificate, and switch certificate.


Deletes the specified file without confirmation. This operand is optional.


Exports a CSR to a host. This command is typically used to submit a CSR to
the Certification Authority (CA) that issues the certificate. The following
operands are optional; if omitted, the command prompts interactively for your

-ldapcacert -certname certificate name

Exports an LDAP CA certificate from the switch to a remote host. You must
specifiy the name of the LDAP CA certificate to be exported. Use the show
option for a list of existing certificates.


Exports the FCAP switch certificate from the switch to the remote host. The
certificate is exported with the same filename it had when it was imported.


Exports the FCAP switch CSR certificate from the switch to the remote host.
The FCAP switch CSR is exported as switchIPfcapSw.csr.


Exports the FCAP CA certificate from the switch to the remote host. The FCAP
CA certificate is exported as switchIPfcapRootCA.pem.

-protocol ftp | scp

Specifies the protocol as either FTP or SCP.

-ipaddr IP address

Specifies the IP address of the remote host.

-remotedir remote directory

Specifies the remote directory. Provide a fully qualified path name.