Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 57
Fabric OS Command Reference
Enables the managed fabric name monitoring mode (MFNM) in the specified
port group. This command changes the fabric name monitoring mode from
“default” to “managed”. In both default and managed mode, the system
queries the fabric name once every 120 seconds, and if it detects an
inconsistency, for example, if the port group is connected to multiple fabrics,
it triggers a RASLOG message. The difference between default and managed
fabric name monitoring is that in managed mode, failover is disabled for all
ports in the port group if the system detects an inconsistency in fabric names.
pgdelmodes pgid "lb;mfnm"
Disables the specified modes on a given port group. The mode list must be
enclosed in double quotation marks and the modes must be separated by a
semicolon. For a description of supported modes, refer to --pgsetmodes.
pgfnmtov new_tov
Displays the fabric name monitoring timeout value in seconds when used
without specifying a new value. To change the current value, specify a new
timeout value in seconds. The valid range is from 30 to 120 seconds. The
default value is 120 seconds.
failoverenable [N_Port | -pg pgid]
Enables the failover policy for a given N_Port or for all N_Ports in the given
port group. When failover policy is enabled for a given N_Port, F_Ports behave
as follows:
If only primary F_Port to N_Port mapping is in place, all currently mapped
F_Ports fail over to another available N_Port in the event the original
N_Port becomes disabled. If multiple N_Ports are available for failover,
F_Ports are evenly balanced across all available N_Ports. If no other
N_Port is available, failover does not occur.
If preferred secondary F_Port to N_Port Mapping is in place, the F_Ports
are routed through the preferred Secondary N_Port. If the preferred
secondary N_Port is offline, the F_Ports are disabled.
failoverdisable [N_Port | -pg pgid]
Disables the failover policy for a given N_Port or for all N_Ports in the given
port group.
failovershow [N_Port]
If an N_Port is specified (optional), the command displays the failover policy
for this N_Port. Otherwise, the failover policy for all N_Ports is displayed.
Failover is displayed as enabled (1) or disabled (0).