Configdefault – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 147

Fabric OS Command Reference
Resets the nonpersistent configuration data to factory defaults.
configdefault [-fid FID | -all]
Use this command to reset the nonpersistent configuration settings to their factory defaults.
Beginning with Fabric OS v6.2.0, configuration data is grouped into chassis information and switch
information. Each configuration type is managed separately. The behavior of configDefault
depends on the environment in which the command is executed:
In a Virtual Fabric environment, when executed without operands, this command resets the
switch configuration to defaults on the current logical switch only. An Admin with chassis
permissions can use additional parameters to reset configuration data for a specified logical
switch (-fid FID) or for all logical switches and the chassis (-all).
In a non-Virtual Fabric environment, when executed without operands, this command resets
the switch configuration. When executed with the -all operand, configDefault resets all of the
system's configuration data, including chassis and switch configurations. The -fid option is not
This command resets nonpersistent configuration parameters only. The following parameters are
not affected by this command:
Ethernet MAC address, IP address, subnet mask, and boot ROM parameters
IP gateway address
License keys
OEM customization
Product ID and Vendor ID
SNMP configuration
iSCSI configuration
System name
Chassis name
World wide name
Zoning configuration (includes aliases, zones, and configurations)
Security parameters and policies
User account passwords (includes all user configuration and all built-in accounts)
Switch PID format
Ethernet Link Mode
Refer to the help files for configure and configureChassis help for more information on default
values for configuration parameters.
This command cannot be executed on an enabled switch. You must first disable the switch using
switchDisable or chassisDisable.
Some configuration parameters are cached by the system. To avoid unexpected system behavior,
reboot the system after executing configDefault.