Node configuration – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 177

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Fabric OS Command Reference






1. Node configuration


cryptocfg --help -nodecfg

cryptocfg --initnode

cryptocfg --initEE [slot]

cryptocfg --regEE [slot]

cryptocfg --enableEE [slot]

cryptocfg --disableEE [slot]

cryptocfg --export -scp -dhchallenge vault_IP_address | -currentMK | -KACcert |-KACcsr| -CPcert]
host_IP host_username host_file_path

cryptocfg --export -usb -dhchallenge vault_IP_address | -currentMK | -KACcert | -KACcsr |-CPcert

cryptocfg --import -scp local_name host_IP host_username host_file_path

cryptocfg --import -usb dest_filename source_filename

cryptocfg --reg -membernode member_node_WWN member_node_certfile

cryptocfg --dereg -membernode member_node_WWN

cryptocfg --dhchallenge vault_IP_addr

cryptocfg --dhresponse vault_IP_addr

cryptocfg --zeroizeEE [slot]

cryptocfg --delete -file local_name

cryptocfg --reg -KAClogin primary | secondary

cryptocfg --show -file -all

cryptocfg --show -localEE

cryptocfg --rebalance [slot]


Use the node configuration commands to perform node initialization and configuration tasks. Node
initialization and configuration must be performed on every node. A node is an encryption switch or
a chassis containing one or more encryption blades. A node is identified by the switch IP address or
switch WWN, which is subsequently referred to as the "node WWN." The node configuration
commands include the following functions:

Node initialization and certificate generation.

Certificate export and import to and from a specified host or USB device.

Enabling or disabling an encryption engine (EE).

Encryption group member node and group leader registration.

Group-wide policy configuration.

Zeroization of all critical security parameters on the local encryption switch or blade.

Certificate display and management.

Display of the local encryption engine status.

Rebalancing of disk and tape LUNS for optimized performance.