Fastwritecfg – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 278
Fabric OS Command Reference
Enables or disables the FC Fastwrite feature.
fastwritecfg --enable | --disable [slot]
fastwritecfg --show
Use this command to configure FC FastWrite on a blade in a given slot. FastWrite minimizes storage
latency and improves the number of write transactions per second over long distances. A blade can
be configured either to support FC FastWrite or FCIP (default supported when FC FastWrite is
disabled). When the blade is configured to support a particular feature, the blade must be
rebooted. After the blade has been rebooted, use portcfg --fastwritecfg to enable or disable FC
FastWrite on the individual ports.
This command requires a High-Performance Extension over FCIP/FC license
This command is supported only on the Brocade 7500 and on modular platforms with one or more
Brocade FC-IP/FC Router blades (FR4-18i).
When FC FastWrite is enabled, GbE ports are not allowed to be enabled on the blade. The blade
comes up with GbE ports internally disabled.
A maximum of four user ports per port group (0-7 or 8-15) may be configured as FC FastWrite. This
amounts to a maximum of eight FC FastWrite ports per blade.
The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may
be in place. Refer to chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS commands" and Appendix A, "Command
Availability" for details.
This command has the following operands:
Enables a blade for FC FastWrite on a specified slot.
Disables a blade for FC FastWrite on a specified slot. The blade reverts to
FCIP (default).
Displays the FC FastWrite configuration including the FC FastWrite-enabled
ports. The slot number is an optional parameter. If the slot number is not
specified, the command displays the FC FastWrite-enabled ports on the
entire system.
Specifies the slot number. This operand is required with the --disable and
enable options on FR4-18i platforms. It is optional on the Brocade 7500.
On the 7500, slot 0 is a valid slot.
To enable FC FastWrite for a given slot:
enable 7
!!!! WARNING !!!!
Enabling this feature requires power-cycling of the affected blade to take
effect and may take up to 5 minutes to complete. Non-bladed switches will be
rebooted. In all cases, data traffic on all the ports (FC and GbE) of the blade
will be disrupted.
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