Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Fabric os, Mib reference
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- About This Document
- Understanding Brocade SNMP
- Setting the SNMP security level
- Understanding SNMP basics
- Loading Brocade MIBs
- Access Gateway and Brocade MIBs
- Firmware upgrades and enabled traps
- Fabric OS commands for configuring SNMP
- Support for Administrative Domains
- Support for Role-Based Access Control
- Support for IPv6 addressing
- Support for Virtual Fabric
- Customized traps
- MIB-II (RFC1213-MIB)
- MIB II overview
- System group
- Interfaces group
- AT group
- IP group
- ipForwarding
- ipDefaultTTL
- ipInReceives
- ipInHdrErrors
- ipInAddrErrors
- ipForwDatagrams
- ipInUnknownProtos
- ipInDiscards
- ipInDelivers
- ipOutRequests
- ipOutDiscards
- ipOutNoRoutes
- ipReasmTimeout
- ipReasmReqds
- ipReasmOKs
- ipReasmFails
- ipFragOKs
- ipFragFails
- ipFragCreates
- ipAddrTable
- ipAddrEntry
- ipAdEntAddr
- ipAdEntIfIndex
- ipAdEntNetMask
- ipAdEntBcastAddr
- ipAdEntReasmMaxSiz e
- ipRouteTable
- ipRouteEntry
- ipRouteDest
- ipRouteIfIndex
- ipRouteMetric1
- ipRouteMetric2
- ipRouteMetric3
- ipRouteMetric4
- ipRouteNextHop
- ipRouteType
- ipRouteProto
- ipRouteAge
- ipRouteMask
- ipRouteMetric5
- ipRouteInfo
- ipNetToMediaTable
- ipNetToMediaEntry
- ipNetToMediaIfIndex
- iipNetToMediaPhysAd dress
- ipNetToMediaNetAddr ess
- ipNetToMediaType
- ipRoutingDiscards
- ipAddressTable
- ipAddressEntry
- ipAddressAddrType
- ipAddressAddr
- ipAddressIfIndex
- ipAddressType
- ipAddressPrefix
- ipAddressOrigin
- ipAddressStatus
- ipAddressCreated
- ipAddressLastChange d
- ipAddressRowStatus
- ipAddressStorageType
- ICMP group
- icmpInMsgs
- icmpInErrors
- icmpInDestUnreachs
- icmpInTimeExcds
- icmpInParmProbs
- icmpInSrcQuenchs
- icmpInRedirects
- icmpInEchos
- icmpInEchoReps
- icmpInTimestamps
- icmpInTimestampRep s
- icmpInAddrMasks
- icmpInAddrMaskReps
- icmpOutMsgs
- icmpOutErrors
- icmpOutDestUnreachs
- icmpOutTimeExcds
- icmpOutParmProbs
- icmpOutSrcQuenchs
- icmpOutRedirects
- icmpOutEchos
- icmpOutEchoReps
- icmpOutTimestamps
- icmpOutTimestampRe ps
- icmpOutAddrMasks
- icmpOutAddrMaskRep s
- TCP group
- UDP group
- EGP group
- Transmission group
- SNMP group
- snmpInPkts
- snmpOutPkts
- snmpInBadVersions
- snmpInBadCommunityN ames
- snmpInBadCommunityU ses
- snmpInASNParseErrs
- snmpInTooBigs
- snmpInNoSuchNames
- snmpInBadValues
- snmpInReadOnlys
- snmpInGenErrs
- snmpInTotalReqVars
- snmpInTotalSetVars
- snmpInGetRequests
- snmpInGetNexts
- snmpInSetRequests
- snmpInGetResponses
- snmpInTraps
- snmpOutTooBigs
- snmpOutNoSuchNames
- snmpOutBadValues
- snmpOutGenErrs
- snmpOutGetRequests
- snmpOutGetNexts
- snmpOutSetRequests
- snmpOutGetResponses
- snmpOutTraps
- snmpEnableAuthenTraps
- snmpSilentDrops
- snmpProxyDrops
- ifMIB group
- ifXTable
- ifXentry
- ifName
- ifInMulticastPkts
- ifInBroadcastPkts
- ifOutMulticastPkts
- ifOutBroadcastPkts
- ifHCInOctets
- ifHCInUcastPkts
- ifHCInMulticastPkts
- ifHCInBroadcastPkts
- ifHCOutOctets
- ifHCOutUcastPkts
- ifHCOutMulticastPkts
- ifHCOutBroadcastPkts
- ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
- ifHighSpeed
- ifPromiscuousMode
- ifConnectorPresent
- ifAlias
- ifCounterDiscontinuityTi me
- Generic traps
- RMON MIB Objects
- RMON MIB overview
- RMON group
- Statistics group
- statistics
- etherStatsTable
- etherStatsEntry
- etherStatsIndex
- etherStatsDataSource
- etherStatsDropEvents
- etherStatsOctets
- etherStatsPkts
- etherStatsBroadcastPkts
- etherStatsMulticastPkts
- etherStatsCRCAlignErrors
- etherStatsUndersizePkts
- etherStatsOversizePkts
- etherStatsFragments
- etherStatsJabbers
- etherStatsCollisions
- etherStatsPkts64Octets
- etherStatsPkts65to127O ctets
- etherStatsPkts128to255 Octets
- etherStatsPkts256to511 Octets
- etherStatsPkts512to102 3Octets
- etherStatsPkts1024to15 18Octets
- etherStatsOwner
- etherStatsStatus
- History group
- History control group
- Ethernet history group
- etherHistoryTable
- etherHistoryEntry
- etherHistoryIndex
- etherHistorySampleIndex
- etherHistoryIntervalStart
- etherHistoryDropEvents
- etherHistoryOctets
- etherHistoryPkts
- etherHistoryBroadcastPk ts
- etherHistoryMulticastPkt s
- etherHistoryCRCAlignErro rs
- etherHistoryUndersizePkt s
- etherHistoryOversizePkts
- etherHistoryFragments
- etherHistoryJabbers
- etherHistoryCollisions
- etherHistoryUtilization
- Alarm group
- Event group
- RMON Traps
- FE MIB Objects
- FE MIB overview
- fcFeConfig group
- fcFeFabricName
- fcFeElementName
- fcFeModuleCapacity
- fcFeModuleTable
- fcFeModuleEntry
- fcFeModuleIndex
- fcFeModuleDescr
- fcFeModuleObjectID
- fcFeModuleOperStatus
- fcFeModuleLastChange
- fcFeModuleFxPortCapacity
- fcFeModuleName
- fcFxPortTable
- fcFxPortEntry
- fcFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortName
- fcFxPortFcphVersionHigh
- fcFxPortFcphVersionLow
- fcFxPortBbCredit
- fcFxPortRxBufSize
- fcFxPortRatov
- fcFxPortEdtov
- fcFxPortCosSupported
- fcFxPortIntermixSupported
- fcFxPortStackedConnMod e
- fcFxPortClass2SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortClass3SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortHoldTime
- fcFeStatus group
- fcFxPortStatusTable
- fcFxPortStatusEntry
- fcFxPortID
- fcFxPortBbCreditAvailable
- fcFxPortOperMode
- fcFxPortAdminMode
- fcFxPortPhysTable
- fcFxPortPhysEntry
- fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus
- fcFxPortPhysOperStatus
- fcFxPortPhysLastChange
- fcFxPortPhysRttov
- fcFxLoginTable
- fcFxloginEntry
- fcFxPortNxLoginIndex
- fcFxPortFcphVersionAgre ed
- fcFxPortNxPortBbCredit
- fcFxPortNxPortRxDataFiel dSize
- fcFxPortCosSuppAgreed
- fcFxPortIntermixSuppAgr eed
- fcFxPortStackedConnMo deAgreed
- fcFxPortClass2SeqDelivA greed
- fcFxPortClass3SeqDelivA greed
- fcFxPortNxPortName
- fcFxPortConnectedNxPort
- fcFxPortBbCreditModel
- fcFeError group
- fcFeAccounting group
- fcFxPortC1AccountingTable
- fcFxPortC1AccountingEntry
- fcFxPortC1InFrames
- fcFxPortC1OutFrames
- fcFxPortC1InOctets
- fcFxPortC1OutOctets
- fcFxPortC1Discards
- fcFxPortC1FbsyFrames
- fcFxPortC1FrjtFrames
- fcFxPortC1InConnections
- fcFxPortC1OutConnections
- fcFxPortC1ConnTime
- fcFxPortC2AccountingTable
- fcFxPortC2AccountingEntry
- fcFxPortC2InFrames
- fcFxPortC2OutFrames
- fcFxPortC2InOctets
- fcFxPortC2OutOctets
- fcFxPortC2Discards
- fcFxPortC2FbsyFrames
- fcFxPortC2FrjtFrames
- fcFxPortC3AccountingTable
- fcFxPortC3AccountingEntry
- fcFxPortC3InFrames
- fcFxPortC3OutFrames
- fcFxPortC3InOctets
- fcFxPortC3OutOctets
- fcFxPortC3Discards
- fcFeCapabilities group
- fcFxPortCapTable
- fcFxPortCapEntry
- fcFxPortCapFcphVersionHigh
- fcFxPortCapFcphVersionLow
- fcFxPortCapBbCreditMax
- fcFxPortCapBbCreditMin
- fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSizeMax
- fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSizeMin
- fcFxPortCapCos
- fcFxPortCapIntermix
- fcFxPortCapStackedConnMode
- fcFxPortCapClass2SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortCapClass3SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMax
- fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMin
- FCFABRIC-ELEMENT-MIB (experimental branch)
- fcFeConfig group
- fcFabricName
- fcElementName
- fcFeModuleCapacity
- fcFeModuleTable
- fcFeModuleEntry
- fcFeModuleIndex
- fcFeModuleDescr
- fcFeModuleObjectID
- fcFeModuleOperStatus
- fcFeModuleLastChange
- fcFeModuleFxPortCapacity
- fcFeModuleName
- fcFxConfTable
- fcFxConfEntry
- fcFxConfModuleIndex
- fcFxConfFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortName
- fcFxPortFcphVersionHigh
- fcFxPortFcphVersionLow
- fcFxPortBbCredit
- fcFxPortRxBufSize
- fcFxPortRatov
- fcFxPortEdtov
- fcFxPortCosSupported
- fcFxPortIntermixSupported
- fcFxPortStackedConnMode
- fcFxPortClass2SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortClass3SeqDeliv
- fcFxPortHoldTime
- fcFxPortBaudRate
- fcFxPortMedium
- fcFxPortTxType
- fcFxPortDistance
- fcFeOp group
- fcFxPortOperTable
- fcFxPortOperEntry
- fcFxPortOperModuleIndex
- fcFxPortOperFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortID
- fcFPortAttachedPortName
- fcFPortConnectedPort
- fcFxPortBbCreditAvailable
- fcFxPortOperMode
- fcFxPortAdminMode
- fcFxPortPhysTable
- fcFxPortPhysEntry
- fcFxPortPhysModuleIndex
- fcFxPortPhysFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus
- fcFxPortPhysOperStatus
- fcFxPortPhysLastChange
- fcFxPortPhysRttov
- fcFxlogiTable
- fcFxlogiEntry
- fcFxlogiModuleIndex
- fcFxlogiFxPortIndex
- fcFxlogiNxPortIndex
- fcFxPortFcphVersionAgree d
- fcFxPortNxPortBbCredit
- fcFxPortNxPortRxDataFiel dSize
- fcFxPortCosSuppAgreed
- fcFxPortIntermixSuppAgre ed
- fcFxPortStackedConnMod eAgreed
- fcFxPortClass2SeqDelivAg reed
- fcFxPortClass3SeqDelivAg reed
- fcFxPortNxPortName
- fcFxPortConnectedNxPort
- fcFxPortBbCreditModel
- fcFeError group
- fcFxPortErrorTable
- fcFxPortErrorEntry
- fcFxPortErrorModuleIndex
- fcFxPortErrorFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortLinkFailures
- fcFxPortSyncLosses
- fcFxPortSigLosses
- fcFxPortPrimSeqProtoErro rs
- fcFxPortInvalidTxWords
- fcFxPortInvalidCrcs
- fcFxPortDelimiterErrors
- fcFxPortAddressIdErrors
- fcFxPortLinkResetIns
- fcFxPortLinkResetOuts
- fcFxPortOlsIns
- fcFxPortOlsOuts
- fcFeAcct group
- fcFeCap group
- fcFxPortCapTable
- fcFxPortCapEntry
- fcFxPortCapModuleIndex
- fcFxPortCapFxPortIndex
- fcFxPortCapFcphVersionH igh
- fcFxPortCapFcphVersionL ow
- fcFxPortCapBbCreditMax
- fcFxPortCapBbCreditMin
- fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSi zeMax
- fcFxPortCapRxDataFieldSi zeMin
- fcFxPortCapCos
- fcFxPortCapIntermix
- fcFxPortCapStackedConn Mode
- fcFxPortCapClass2SeqDel iv
- fcFxPortCapClass3SeqDel iv
- fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMax
- fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMin
- fcFxPortCapBaudRates
- fcFxPortCapMedia
- Entity MIB Objects
- Entity MIB overview
- Textual conventions for Entity MIB
- Entity MIB objects
- Physical entity group
- entityPhysical
- entPhysicalTable
- entPhysicalEntry
- entPhysicalIndex
- entPhysicalDescr
- entPhysicalVendorType
- entPhysicalContainedIn
- entPhysicalClass
- entPhysicalParentRelPos
- entPhysicalName
- entPhysicalHardwareRev
- entPhysicalFirmwareRev
- entPhysicalSoftwareRev
- entPhysicalSerialNum
- entPhysicalMfgName
- entPhysicalModelName
- entPhysicalAlias
- entPhysicalAssetID
- entPhysicalIsFRU
- Logical entity group
- Entity mapping group
- General group
- Entity MIB trap
- Entity MIB conformance information
- SW-MIB Objects
- SW-MIB overview
- sw traps
- Switch system group
- swSystem
- swCurrentDate
- swBootDate
- swFWLastUpdated
- swFlashLastUpdated
- swBootPromLastUpdated
- swFirmwareVersion
- swOperStatus
- swAdmStatus
- swTelnetShellAdmStatus
- swSsn
- swFlashDLOperStatus
- swFlashDLAdmStatus
- swFlashDLHost
- swFlashDLUser
- swFlashDLFile
- swFlashDLPassword
- swBeaconOperStatus
- swBeaconAdmStatus
- swDiagResult
- swNumSensors
- swSensorTable
- swSensorEntry
- swSensorIndex
- swSensorType
- swSensorStatus
- swSensorValue
- swSensorInfo
- swTrackChangesInfo
- swID
- swEtherIPAddress
- swEtherIPMask
- swFCIPAddress
- swFCIPMask
- swIPv6Address
- swIPv6Status
- swModel
- swTestString
- swPortList
- swBrcdTrapBitMask
- swFCPortPrevType
- swDeviceStatus
- Switch Fabric group
- Switch agent configuration group
- Fibre Channel port group
- swFCport
- swFCPortCapacity
- swFCPortTable
- swFCPortEntry
- swFCPortIndex
- swFCPortType
- swFCPortPhyState
- swFCPortOpStatus
- swFCPortAdmStatus
- swFCPortLinkState
- swFCPortTxType
- swFCPortTxWords
- swFCPortRxWords
- swFCPortTxFrames
- swFCPortRxFrames
- swFCPortRxC2Frames
- swFCPortRxC3Frames
- swFCPortRxLCs
- swFCPortRxMcasts
- swFCPortTooManyRdys
- swFCPortNoTxCredits
- swFCPortRxEncInFrs
- swFCPortRxCrcs
- swFCPortRxTruncs
- swFCPortRxTooLongs
- swFCPortRxBadEofs
- swFCPortRxEncOutFrs
- swFCPortRxBadOs
- swFCPortC3Discards
- swFCPortMcastTimedOuts
- swFCPortTxMcasts
- swFCPortLipIns
- swFCPortLipOuts
- swFCPortLipLastAlpa
- swFCPortWwn
- swFCPortSpeed
- swFCPortName
- swFCPortSpecifier
- swFCPortFlag
- swFCPortBrcdType
- Name Server database group
- Event group
- Fabric Watch group
- swFwSystem
- swFwFabricWatchLicense
- swFwClassAreaTable
- swFwClassAreaEntry
- swFwClassAreaIndex
- swFwWriteThVals
- swFwDefaultUnit
- swFwDefaultTimebase
- swFwDefaultLow
- swFwDefaultHigh
- swFwDefaultBufSize
- swFwCustUnit
- swFwCustTimebase
- swFwCustLow
- swFwCustHigh
- swFwCustBufSize
- swFwThLevel
- swFwWriteActVals
- swFwDefaultChangedActs
- swFwDefaultExceededActs
- swFwDefaultBelowActs
- swFwDefaultAboveActs
- swFwDefaultInBetweenActs
- swFwCustChangedActs
- swFwCustExceededActs
- swFwCustBelowActs
- swFwCustAboveActs
- swFwCustInBetweenActs
- swFwValidActs
- swFwActLevel
- swFwThresholdTable
- swFwThresholdEntry
- swFwThresholdIndex
- swFwStatus
- swFwName
- swFwLabel
- swFwCurVal
- swFwLastEvent
- swFwLastEventVal
- swFwLastEventTime
- swFwLastState
- swFwBehaviorType
- swFwBehaviorInt
- swFwLastSeverityLevel
- End device group
- Switch group
- Bloom performance monitor group
- swBlmPerfMnt
- swBlmPerfALPAMntTable
- swBlmPerfALPAMntEntry
- swBlmPerfAlpaPort
- swBlmPerfAlpaIndx
- swBlmPerfAlpa
- swBlmPerfAlpaCRCCnt
- swBlmPerfEEMntTable
- swBlmPerfEEMntEntry
- swBlmPerfEEPort
- swBlmPerfEERefKey
- swBlmPerfEECRC
- swBlmPerfEEFCWRx
- swBlmPerfEEFCWTx
- swBlmPerfEESid
- swBlmPerfEEDid
- swBlmPerfFltMntTable
- swBlmPerfFltMntEntry
- swBlmPerfFltPort
- swBlmPerfFltRefkey
- swBlmPerfFltCnt
- swBlmPerfFltAlias
- Trunking group
- Toptalker group
- CPU or memory usage group
- Switch connectivity unit port statistics extension table
- swConnUnitPortStatExtent ionTable
- swConnUnitPortStatEntry
- swConnUnitCRCWithBadE OF
- swConnUnitZeroTenancy
- swConnUnitFLNumOfTena ncy
- swConnUnitNLNumOfTena ncy
- swConnUnitStopTenancySt arVation
- swConnUnitOpend
- swConnUnitTransferConne ction
- swConnUnitOpen
- swConnUnitInvalidARB
- swConnUnitFTB1Miss
- swConnUnitFTB2Miss
- swConnUnitFTB6Miss
- swConnUnitZoneMiss
- swConnUnitLunZoneMiss
- swConnUnitBadEOF
- swConnUnitLCRX
- swConnUnitRDYPriority
- swConnUnitLli
- swConnUnitInterrupts
- swConnUnitUnknownInterr upts
- swConnUnitTimedOut
- swConnUnitProcRequired
- swConnUnitTxBufferUnava ilable
- swConnUnitStateChange
- swConnUnitC3DiscardDue ToRXTimeout
- swConnUnitC3DiscardDue ToDestUnreachable
- swConnUnitC3DiscardDue ToTXTimeout
- swConnUnitC3DiscardOth er
- swConnUnitPCSErrorCoun ter
- 27.1.29
- High-Availability MIB Objects
- FICON MIB Objects
- FICON MIB overview
- FICON RNID group
- nodeRNIDTableNumEntries
- nodeRNIDTable
- nodeRNIDEntry
- nodeRNIDIndex
- nodeRNIDIncidentPortWWN
- nodeRNIDFlags
- nodeRNIDType
- nodeRNIDModel
- nodeRNIDManufacturer
- nodeRNIDManufacturerPlan t
- nodeRNIDSequenceNumber
- nodeRNIDConnectedPortWW N
- nodeRNIDPortType
- nodeRNIDFormat
- nodeRNIDTag
- nodeRNIDParams
- switchRNIDTableNumEntries
- switchRNIDTable
- switchRNIDEntry
- switchRNIDIndex
- switchRNIDSwitchWWN
- switchRNIDFlags
- switchRNIDType
- switchRNIDModel
- switchRNIDManufacturer
- switchRNIDManufacturerPla nt
- switchRNIDSequenceNumbe r
- switchRNIDTag
- switchRNIDParams
- nodeVfId
- FICON LIRR group
- FICON RLIR group
- LinkIncident MIB traps group
- FibreAlliance MIB Objects
- FibreAlliance MIB overview
- Connectivity unit group
- uNumber
- systemURL
- connUnitTable
- connUnitEntry
- connUnitId
- connUnitGlobalId
- connUnitType
- connUnitNumports
- connUnitState
- connUnitStatus
- connUnitProduct
- connUnitSn
- connUnitUpTime
- connUnitUrl
- connUnitDomainId
- connUnitProxyMaster
- connUnitPrincipal
- connUnitNumSensors
- connUnitStatusChangeTi me
- connUnitConfigurationCh angeTime
- connUnitNumRevs
- connUnitNumZones
- connUnitModuleId
- connUnitName
- connUnitInfo
- connUnitControl
- connUnitContact
- connUnitLocation
- connUnitEventFilter
- connUnitNumEvents
- connUnitMaxEvents
- connUnitEventCurrID
- connUnitRevsTable
- connUnitRevsEntry
- connUnitRevsUnitId
- connUnitRevsIndex
- connUnitRevsRevId
- connUnitRevsDescription
- connUnitSensorTable
- connUnitSensorEntry
- connUnitSensorUnitId
- connUnitSensorIndex
- connUnitSensorName
- connUnitSensorStatus
- connUnitSensorInfo
- connUnitSensorMessage
- connUnitSensorType
- connUnitSensorCharacte ristic
- connUnitPortTable
- connUnitPortEntry
- connUnitPortUnitId
- connUnitPortIndex
- connUnitPortType
- connUnitPortFCClassCap
- connUnitPortFCClassOp
- connUnitPortState
- connUnitPortStatus
- connUnitPortTransmitter Type
- connUnitPortModuleType
- connUnitPortWwn
- connUnitPortFCId
- connUnitPortSn
- connUnitPortRevision
- connUnitPortVendor
- connUnitPortSpeed
- connUnitPortControl
- connUnitPortName
- connUnitPortPhysicalNu mber
- connUnitPortStatObject
- connUnitPortProtocolCap
- connUnitPortProtocolOp
- connUnitPortNodeWwn
- connUnitPortHWState
- connUnitEventTable
- connUnitEventEntry
- connUnitEventUnitId
- connUnitEventIndex
- connUnitEventId
- connUnitREventTime
- connUnitSEventTime
- connUnitEventSeverity
- connUnitEventType
- connUnitEventObject
- connUnitEventDescr
- connUnitLinkTable
- connUnitLinkEntry
- connUnitLinkUnitId
- connUnitLinkIndex
- connUnitLinkNodeIdX
- connUnitLinkPortNumbe rX
- connUnitLinkPortWwnX
- connUnitLinkNodeIdY
- connUnitLinkPortNumbe rY
- connUnitLinkPortWwnY
- connUnitLinkAgentAddre ssY
- connUnitLinkAgentAddre ssTypeY
- connUnitLinkAgentPortY
- connUnitLinkUnitTypeY
- connUnitLinkConnIdY
- connUnitLinkCurrIndex
- Statistics group
- connUnitPortStatTable
- connUnitPortStatEntry
- connUnitPortStatUnitId
- connUnitPortStatIndex
- connUnitPortStatCountEr ro
- connUnitPortStatCountTx Objects
- connUnitPortStatCountR xObjects
- connUnitPortStatCountTx Elements
- connUnitPortStatCountR xElements
- connUnitPortStatCountB BCreditZero
- connUnitPortStatCountIn putBuffersFull
- connUnitPortStatCountF BSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountP BSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountF RJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountP RJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1RxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1TxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1FBSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1PBSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1FRJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass1PRJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2RxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2TxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2FBSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2PBSYFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2FRJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass2PRJTFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass3RxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass3TxFrames
- connUnitPortStatCountCl ass3Discards
- connUnitPortStatCountR xMulticastObjects
- connUnitPortStatCountTx MulticastObjects
- connUnitPortStatCountR xBroadcastObjects
- connUnitPortStatCountTx BroadcastObjects
- connUnitPortStatCountR xLinkResets
- connUnitPortStatCountTx LinkResets
- connUnitPortStatCountN umberLinkResets
- connUnitPortStatCountR xOfflineSequences
- connUnitPortStatCountTx OfflineSequences
- connUnitPortStatCountN umberOfflineSequences
- connUnitPortStatCountLi nkFailures
- connUnitPortStatCountIn validCRC
- connUnitPortStatCountIn validTxWords
- connUnitPortStatCountPr imitiveSequenceProtocol Errors
- connUnitPortStatCountL ossofSignal
- connUnitPortStatCountL ossofSynchronization
- connUnitPortStatCountIn validOrderedSets
- connUnitPortStatCountFr amesTooLong
- connUnitPortStatCountFr amesTruncated
- connUnitPortStatCountA ddressErrors
- connUnitPortStatCountD elimiterErrors
- connUnitPortStatCountE ncodingDisparityErrors
- Service group
- connUnitSnsMaxEntry
- connUnitSnsTable
- connUnitSnsEntry
- IconnUnitSnsId
- connUnitSnsPortIndex
- connUnitSnsPortIdentifie
- connUnitSnsPortName
- connUnitSnsNodeName
- connUnitSnsClassOfSvc
- connUnitSnsNodeIPAddres s
- connUnitSnsProcAssoc
- connUnitSnsFC4Type
- connUnitSnsPortType
- connUnitSnsPortIPAddress
- connUnitSnsFabricPortNa me
- connUnitSnsHardAddress
- connUnitSnsSymbolicPortN ame
- connUnitSn
- SNMP trap registration group
- Revision number scalar
- Unsupported tables
- FibreAlliance MIB traps
- FibreAlliance Extension MIB Objects
- FCIP MIB Objects
- FCIP MIB overview
- FCIP entity instance table
- FCIP link table
- fcipLinkTable
- fcipLinkEntry
- fcipLinkIndex
- fcipLinkIfIndex
- fcipLinkCost
- fcipLinkLocalFcipEntityMode
- fcipLinkLocalFcipEntityAddre ssType
- fcipLinkLocalFcipEntityAddre ss
- fcipLinkRemFcipEntityWWN
- fcipLinkRemFcipEntityId
- fcipLinkRemFcipEntityAddre ssType
- fcipLinkRemFcipEntityAddre ss
- fcipLinkStatus
- fcipLinkCreateTime
- FCIP TCP connection table
- FCIP extended link table
- fcipExtendedLinkTable
- fcipExtendedLinkEntry
- fcipExtendedLinkIfIndex
- fcipExtendedLinkTcpRetrans mits
- fcipExtendedLinkTcpDroppe d Packets
- fcipExtendedLinkCompressi onRatio
- fcipExtendedLinkTcpSmooth edRTT
- fcipExtendedLinkRawBytes
- fcipExtendedLinkCompresse dBytes
- fcipExtendedLinkConnected Count
- fcipExtendedLinkRtxRtxTO
- fcipExtendedLinkRtxDupAck
- fcipExtendedLinkDupAck
- fcipExtendedLinkRtt
- fcipExtendedLinkOoo
- fcipExtendedLinkSlowStarts
- FCIP connection statistics table
- iSCSI MIB Objects
- iSCSI MIB overview
- iSCSI instance attributes table
- iscsiInstanceAttributesTable
- iscsiInstanceAttributesEntry
- iscsiInstIndex
- iscsiInstDescr
- iscsiInstVersionMin
- iscsiInstVersionMax
- iscsiInstVendorID
- iscsiInstVendorVersion
- iscsiInstPortalNumber
- iscsiInstNodeNumber
- iscsiInstSessionNumber
- iscsiInstSsnFailures
- iscsiInstLastSsnFailureType
- iscsiInstLastSsnRmtNodeNa me
- iscsiInstDiscontinuityTime
- iSCSI node attributes table
- iscsiNodeAttributesTable
- iscsiNodeAttributesEntry
- iscsiNodeIndex
- iscsiNodeName
- iscsiNodeAlias
- iscsiNodeRoles
- iscsiNodeTransportType
- iscsiNodeInitialR2T
- iscsiNodeImmediateData
- iscsiNodeMaxOutstandingR2 T
- iscsiNodeFirstBurstLength
- iscsiNodeMaxBurstLength
- iscsiNodeMaxConnections
- iscsiNodeDataSequenceInOrd er
- iscsiNodeDataPDUInOrder
- iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Wait
- iscsiNodeDefaultTime2Retain
- iscsiNodeErrorRecoveryLevel
- iscsiNodeDiscontinuityTime
- iscsiNodeStorageType
- iSCSI session attributes table
- iscsiSessionAttributesTable
- iscsiSessionAttributesEntry
- iscsiSsnNodeIndex
- iscsiSsnIndex
- iscsiSsnDirection
- iscsiSsnInitiatorName
- iscsiSsnTargetName
- iscsiSsnTSIH
- iscsiSsnISID
- iscsiSsnInitiatorAlias
- iscsiSsnTargetAlias
- iscsiSsnInitialR2T
- iscsiSsnImmediateData
- iscsiSsnType
- iscsiSsnMaxOutstandingR2T
- iscsiSsnFirstBurstLength
- iscsiSsnMaxBurstLength
- iscsiSsnConnectionNumber
- iscsiSsnAuthIdentity
- iscsiSsnDataSequenceInOrder
- iscsiSsnDataPDUInOrder
- iscsiSsnErrorRecoveryLevel
- iscsiSsnErrorDiscontinuityTime
- iSCSI session statistics table
- iSCSI connection attributes table
- iscsiConnectionAttributesTable
- iscsiConnectionAttributesEntry
- iscsiCxnIndex
- iscsiCxnCid
- iscsiCxnState
- iscsiCxnAddrType
- iscsiCxnLocalAddr
- iscsiCxnProtocol
- iscsiCxnLocalPort
- iscsiCxnRemoteAddr
- iscsiCxnRemotePort
- iscsiCxnMaxRecvDataSegLeng th
- iscsiCxnMaxXmitDataSegLengt h
- iscsiCxnHeaderIntegrity
- iscsiCxnDataIntegrity
- iscsiCxnRecvMarker
- iscsiCxnSendMarker
- iscsiCxnVersionActive
- SNMPv2 MIB Objects
- USM MIB Objects
- IEEE 802.1x PAE MIB Objects
- IEEE 802.1x PAE MIB objects overview
- Dot1x PAE system group
- Dot1x PAE authenticator group
- dot1xAuthConfigTable
- dot1xAuthConfigEntry
- dot1xAuthPaeState
- dot1xAuthBackendAuthS tate
- dot1xAuthAdminControll edDirections
- dot1xAuthOperControlled Directions
- dot1xAuthAuthControlled PortStatus
- dot1xAuthAuthControlled PortControl
- dot1xAuthQuietPeriod
- dot1xAuthTxPeriod
- dot1xAuthSuppTimeout
- dot1xAuthServerTimeout
- dot1xAuthMaxReq
- dot1xAuthReAuthPeriod
- dot1xAuthReAuthEnable d
- dot1xAuthKeyTxEnabled
- dot1xAuthStatsTable
- dot1xAuthStatsEntry
- dot1xAuthEapolFramesR x
- dot1xAuthEapolFramesT x
- dot1xAuthEapolStartFra mesRx
- dot1xAuthEapolLogoffFr amesRx
- dot1xAuthEapolRespIdFr amesRx
- dot1xAuthEapolRespFra mesRx
- dot1xAuthEapolReqIdFra mesTx
- dot1xAuthEapolReqFram esTx
- dot1xAuthInvalidEapolFr amesRx
- dot1xAuthEapLengthErro rFramesRx
- dot1xAuthLastEapolFram eVersion
- dot1xAuthLastEapolFram eSource
- dot1xAuthDiagTable
- dot1xAuthDiagEntry
- dot1xAuthEntersConnect ing
- dot1xAuthEapLogoffsWhi leConnecting
- dot1xAuthEntersAuthenti cating
- dot1xAuthAuthSuccessW hileAuthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthTimeouts WhileAuthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthFailWhileA uthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthReauthsW hileAuthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthEapStarts WhileAuthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthEapLogoff WhileAuthenticating
- dot1xAuthAuthReauthsW hileAuthenticated
- dot1xAuthAuthEapStarts WhileAuthenticated
- dot1xAuthAuthEapLogoff WhileAuthenticated
- dot1xAuthBackendRespo nses
- dot1xAuthBackendAcces sChallenges
- dot1xAuthBackendOther RequestsToSupplicant
- dot1xAuthBackendNonN akResponsesFromSuppli cant
- dot1xAuthBackendAuthS uccesses
- dot1xAuthBackendAuthF ails
- dot1xAuthSessionStatsT able
- dot1xAuthSessionStatsE ntry
- dot1xAuthSessionOctets Rx
- dot1xAuthSessionOctets Tx
- dot1xAuthSessionFrame sRx
- dot1xAuthSessionFrame sTx
- dot1xAuthSessionId
- dot1xAuthSessionAuthen ticMethod
- dot1xAuthSessionTime
- dot1xAuthSessionTermin ateCause
- dot1xAuthSessionUserN ame
- LLDP MIB Objects
- LLDP MIB objects overview
- LLDP configuration group
- LLDP statistics group
- lldpStatistics
- lldpStatsRemTablesLastCha ngeTime
- lldpStatsRemTablesInserts
- lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes
- lldpStatsRemTablesDrops
- lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts
- lldpStatsTxPortTable
- lldpStatsTxPortEntry
- lldpStatsTxPortNum
- lldpStatsTxPortFramesTotal
- lldpStatsRxPortTable
- lldpStatsRxPortEntry
- lldpStatsRxPortNum
- lldpStatsRxPortFramesDisc ardedTotal
- lldpStatsRxPortFramesError s
- lldpStatsRxPortFramesTotal
- lldpStatsRxPortTLVsDiscard edTotal
- lldpStatsRxPortTLVsUnreco gnizedTotal
- lldpStatsRxPortAgeoutsTota l
- LLDP local system data group
- lldpLocalSystemData
- lldpLocChassisIdSubtype
- lldpLocChassisId
- lldpLocSysName
- lldpLocSysDesc
- lldpLocSysCapSupported
- lldpLocSysCapEnabled
- lldpLocPortTable
- lldpLocPortEntry
- lldpLocPortNum
- lldpLocPortIdSubtype
- lldpLocPortId
- lldpLocPortDesc
- lldpLocManAddrTable
- lldpLocManAddrEntry
- lldpLocManAddrSubtype
- lldpLocManAddr
- lldpLocManAddrLen
- lldpLocManAddrIfSubtype
- lldpLocManAddrIfId
- lldpLocManAddrOID
- LLDP remote systems data group
- lldpRemoteSystemsData
- lldpRemTable
- lldpRemEntry
- lldpRemTimeMark
- lldpRemLocalPortNum
- lldpRemIndex
- lldpRemChassisIdSubtype
- lldpRemChassisId
- lldpRemPortIdSubtype
- lldpRemPortId
- lldpRemPortDesc
- lldpRemSysName
- lldpRemSysDesc
- lldpRemSysCapSupported
- lldpRemSysCapEnabled
- lldpRemManAddrTable
- lldpRemManAddrEntry
- lldpRemManAddrSubtype
- lldpRemManAddr
- lldpRemManAddrIfSubtype
- lldpRemManAddrIfId
- lldpRemManAddrOID
- lldpRemUnknownTLVTable
- lldpRemUnknownTLVEntry
- lldpRemUnknownTLVType
- lldpRemUnknownTLVInfo
- lldpRemOrgDefInfoTable
- lldpRemOrgDefInfoEntry
- lldpRemOrgDefInfoOUI
- lldpRemOrgDefInfoSubtyp e
- lldpRemOrgDefInfoIndex
- lldpRemOrgDefInfo
- LLDP-EXT-DOT1-MIB organization
- lldpXdot1 configuration group
- lldpXdot1Config
- lldpXdot1ConfigPortVlan Table
- lldpXdot1ConfigPortVlan Entry
- lldpXdot1ConfigPortVlan TxEnable
- lldpXdot1ConfigVlanNam eTable
- lldpXdot1ConfigVlanNam eEntry
- lldpXdot1ConfigVlanNam eTxEnable
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtoVla nTable
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtoVla nEntry
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtoVla nTxEnable
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtocolT able
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtocol Entry
- lldpXdot1ConfigProtocolT xEnable
- lldpXdot1 local data group
- lldpXdot1LocalData
- lldpXdot1LocTable
- lldpXdot1LocEntry
- lldpXdot1LocPortVlanId
- lldpXdot1LocProtoVlanTable
- lldpXdot1LocProtoVlanEntry
- lldpXdot1LocProtoVlanId
- lldpXdot1LocProtoVlanSupp orted
- lldpXdot1LocProtoVlanEnab led
- lldpXdot1LocVlanNameTabl e
- lldpXdot1LocVlanNameEntr y
- lldpXdot1LocVlanId
- lldpXdot1LocVlanName
- lldpXdot1LocProtocolTable
- lldpXdot1LocProtocolEntry
- lldpXdot1LocProtocolIndex
- lldpXdot1LocProtocolId
- lldpXdot1 remote data group
- lldpXdot1RemoteData
- lldpXdot1RemTable
- lldpXdot1RemEntry
- lldpXdot1RemPortVlanId
- lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanT able
- lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanE ntry
- lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanI d
- lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanS upported
- lldpXdot1RemProtoVlanE nabled
- lldpXdot1RemVlanName Table
- lldpXdot1RemVlanName Entry
- lldpXdot1RemVlanId
- lldpXdot1RemVlanName
- lldpXdot1RemProtocolTa ble
- lldpXdot1RemProtocolEn try
- lldpXdot1RemProtocolIn dex
- lldpXdot1RemProtocolId
- LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB organization
- lldpXdot3 configuration group
- lldpXdot3 local data group
- lldpXdot3LocalData
- lldpXdot3LocPortTable
- lldpXdot3LocPortEntry
- lldpXdot3LocPortAutoNe gSupported
- lldpXdot3LocPortAutoNe gEnabled
- lldpXdot3LocPortAutoNe gAdvertisedCap
- lldpXdot3LocPortOperMa uType
- lldpXdot3LocPowerTable
- lldpXdot3LocLinkAggTabl e
- lldpXdot3LocLinkAggEntr y
- lldpXdot3LocLinkAggStat us
- lldpXdot3LocLinkAggPort Id
- lldpXdot3LocMaxFrameS izeTable
- lldpXdot3LocMaxFrameS izeEntry
- lldpXdot3LocMaxFrameS ize
- lldpXdot3 remote data group
- lldpXdot3RemoteData
- lldpXdot3RemPortTable
- lldpXdot3RemPortEntry
- lldpXdot3RemPortAutoN egSupported
- lldpXdot3RemPortAutoN egEnabled
- lldpXdot3RemPortAutoN egAdvertisedCap
- lldpXdot3RemPortOperM auType
- lldpXdot3RemPowerTabl e
- lldpXdot3RemLinkAggTa ble
- lldpXdot3RemLinkAggEn try
- lldpXdot3RemLinkAggSt atus
- lldpXdot3RemLinkAggPo rtId
- lldpXdot3RemMaxFrame SizeTable
- lldpXdot3RemMaxFrame SizeEntry
- lldpXdot3RemMaxFrame Size
- IEEE 802.3 LAG MIB Objects
- IEEE 802.3 LAG MIB overview
- Aggregator group
- dot3adAggTable
- dot3adAggEntry
- dot3adAggIndex
- dot3adAggMACAddress
- dot3adAggActorSystemP riority
- dot3adAggActorSystemI D
- dot3adAggAggregateOrIn dividual
- dot3adAggActorAdminKe y
- dot3adAggActorOperKey
- dot3adAggPartnerSyste mID
- dot3adAggPartnerSyste mPriority
- dot3adAggPartnerOperK ey
- dot3adAggCollectorMax Delay
- dot3adAggPortListTable
- dot3adAggPortListEntry
- dot3adAggPortListPorts
- Aggregator port group
- dot3adAggPortTable
- dot3adAggPortEntry
- dot3adAggPortIndex
- dot3adAggPortActorSyste mPriority
- dot3adAggPortActorSyste mID
- dot3adAggPortActorAdmin Key
- dot3adAggPortActorOperK ey
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minSystemPriority
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rSystemPriority
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minSystemID
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rSystemID
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minKey
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rKey
- dot3adAggPortSelectedAg gID
- dot3adAggPortAttachedAg gID
- dot3adAggPortActorPort
- dot3adAggPortActorPortPr iority
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minPort
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rPort
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minPortPriority
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rPortPriority
- dot3adAggPortActorAdmin State
- dot3adAggPortActorOperS tate
- dot3adAggPortPartnerAd minState
- dot3adAggPortPartnerOpe rState
- dot3adAggPortAggregateO rIndividual
- dot3adAggPortStatsTable
- dot3adAggPortStatsEntry
- dot3adAggPortStatsLACPD UsRx
- dot3adAggPortStatsMarke rPDUsRx
- dot3adAggPortStatsMarke rResponsePDUsRx
- dot3adAggPortStatsUnkno wnRx
- dot3adAggPortStatsIllegal Rx
- dot3adAggPortStatsLACPD UsTx
- dot3adAggPortStatsMarke rPDUsTx
- dot3adAggPortStatsMarke rResponsePDUsTx
- dot3adAggPortDebugTable
- dot3adAggPortDebugEntry
- dot3adAggPortDebugRxSt ate
- dot3adAggPortDebugLast RxTime
- dot3adAggPortDebugMux State
- dot3adAggPortDebugMux Reason
- dot3adAggPortDebugActor ChurnState
- dot3adAggPortDebugPart nerChurnState
- dot3adAggPortDebugActor ChurnCount
- dot3adAggPortDebugPart nerChurnCount
- dot3adAggPortDebugActor SyncTransitionCount
- dot3adAggPortDebugPart nerSyncTransitionCount
- dot3adAggPortDebugActor ChangeCount
- dot3adAggPortDebugPart nerChangeCount
- dot3adTablesLastChanged
- Bridge-MIB Objects
- Bridge-MIB overview
- Bridge-MIB
- Bridge-MIB traps
- dot1d base group
- dot1d STP group
- dot1dStp
- dot1dStpProtocolSpecific ation
- dot1dStpPriority
- dot1dStpTimeSinceTopol ogyChange
- dot1dStpTopChanges
- dot1dStpDesignatedRoot
- dot1dStpRootCost
- dot1dStpRootPort
- dot1dStpMaxAge
- dot1dStpHelloTime
- dot1dStpHoldTime
- dot1dStpForwardDelay
- dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge
- dot1dStpBridgeHelloTim e
- dot1dStpBridgeForwardD elay
- dot1dStpPortTable
- dot1dStpPortEntry
- dot1dStpPort
- dot1dStpPortPriority
- dot1dStpPortState
- dot1dStpPortEnable
- dot1dStpPortPathCost
- dot1dStpPortDesignated Root
- dot1dStpPortDesignated Cost
- dot1dStpPortDesignated Bridge
- dot1dStpPortDesignated Port
- dot1dStpPortForwardTra nsitions
- dot1dStpPortPathCost32
- dot1dTp group
- dot1d static group
- P-Bridge MIB
- Q-Bridge MIB
- dot1qBase group
- dot1qTp group
- dot1qFdbTable
- dot1qFdbEntry
- dot1qFdbId
- dot1qFdbDynamicCount
- dot1qTpFdbTable
- dot1qTpFdbEntry
- dot1qTpFdbAddress
- dot1qTpFdbPort
- dot1qTpFdbStatus
- dot1qTpGroupTable
- dot1qTpGroupEntry
- dot1qTpGroupAddress
- dot1qTpGroupEgressPorts
- dot1qTpGroupLearnt
- dot1qForwardAllTable
- dot1qForwardAllEntry
- dot1qForwardAllPorts
- dot1qForwardAllStaticPorts
- dot1qForwardAllForbidden Ports
- dot1qForwardUnregistered Table
- dot1qForwardUnregistered Entry
- dot1qForwardUnregistered Ports
- dot1qForwardUnregistered StaticPorts
- dot1qForwardUnregistered ForbiddenPorts
- dot1qStatic group
- dot1qStaticUnicastTable
- dot1qStaticUnicastEntry
- dot1qStaticUnicastAddress
- dot1qStaticUnicastReceive Port
- dot1qStaticUnicastAllowed ToGoTo
- dot1qStaticUnicastStatus
- dot1qStaticMulticastTable
- dot1qStaticMulticastEntry
- dot1qStaticMulticastAddre ss
- dot1qStaticMulticastReceiv ePort
- dot1qStaticMulticastStatic EgressPorts
- dot1qStaticMulticastForbid denEgressPorts
- dot1qStaticMulticastStatus
- dot1qVlan group
- dot1qVlanCurrentTable
- dot1qVlanCurrentEntry
- dot1qVlanTimeMark
- dot1qVlanIndex
- dot1qVlanFdbId
- dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPo rts
- dot1qVlanCurrentUntagged Ports
- dot1qVlanStatus
- dot1qVlanCreationTime
- dot1qVlanStaticTable
- dot1qVlanStaticEntry
- dot1qVlanStaticName
- dot1qVlanStaticEgressPort s
- dot1qVlanForbiddenEgress Ports
- dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedP orts
- dot1qVlanStaticRowStatus
- dot1qPortVlanStatisticsTab le
- dot1qPortVlanStatisticsEnt ry
- dot1qTpVlanPortInFrames
- dot1qTpVlanPortOutFrame s
- dot1qTpVlanPortInDiscards
- dot1qTpVlanPortInOverflow Frames
- dot1qTpVlanPortOutOverflo wFrames
- dot1qTpVlanPortInOverflow Discards
- BD MIB Objects
- MIB Object Groupings
- Mapping of CLI Counters to MIB Objects
- Index