27 clear ip bgp a.b.c.d|x:x::x:x, 28 clear ip bgp dampening – CANOGA PERKINS CanogaOS Command Reference User Manual
Page 295
CanogaOS Command Line Reference
Revision 1.02
Proprietary & Confidential Canoga Pertkins Metro Ethernet Switches
Page 295 of 855
Privileged Exec mode
Switch# clear ip bgp *
Switch# clear ip bgp * ipv4 unicast in prefix-filter
Switch# clear ip bgp * vpnv4 unicast in
16.27 clear ip bgp A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X
Use this command to reset a IPv4 BGP connection for a specific IP address.
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X (IN|out|SOFT)
clear ip bgp A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X ipv4 PREFIX ROUTES
clear ip bgp A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X vpnv4 unicast ROUTES
A.B.C.D Specifies the IPv4 address of the BGP route to be cleared
X:X::X:X Specifies the IPv6 address of the BGP route to be cleared
ipv4 = clears all IPv4 address family peers
vpnv4 = clears all VPNv4 address family peers
ROUTES = IN|out|soft
IN = in (prefix-filter)
in = Indicates that incoming advertised routes will be cleared
prefix-filter = Pushes out prefix-list ORF and does inbound soft reconfiguration
out = Indicates that outgoing advertised routes will be cleared.
SOFT = soft (in|out) Indicates that both incoming and outgoing routes will be cleared
PREFIX = unicast|multicast
unicast = address family modifier
multicast = address family modifier
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
Switch# clear ip bgp soft
Switch# clear ip bgp vpnv4 unicast out
Switch# clear ip bgp 3ffe::8
16.28 clear ip bgp dampening
Use this command to reset all dampened BGP routes under the specified address family.