9 bgp cluster-id, 10 bgp confederation identifier – CANOGA PERKINS CanogaOS Command Reference User Manual
Page 284
CanogaOS Command Line Reference
Revision 1.02
Proprietary & Confidential Canoga Pertkins Metro Ethernet Switches
Page 284 of 855
16.9 bgp cluster-id
Use this command to configure the cluster ID if the BGP cluster has more than one route reflector.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the cluster ID.
Command Syntax
(no) bgp cluster-id CLUSTERID
CLUSTERID = A.B.C.D|<1-4294967295> Specifies the cluster ID of this router acting as a route
reflector, either as IP address or as a maximum of 4 bytes.
A.B.C.D Route Reflector Cluster-id in IP address format
<1-4294967295> Route Reflector cluster-id as a 32 bit quantity
Command Mode
Router mode
A cluster includes route reflectors and its clients. Usually, each cluster is identified by the router ID of its single
route reflector but to increase redundancy sometimes a cluster may have more than one route reflector. All
router reflectors in such a cluster are then identified by a cluster ID. The bgp cluster-id command is used to
configure the 4 byte cluster ID for clusters with more than one route reflectors.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config) router bgp 100
Switch(config-router) bgp cluster-id
Related Commands
bgp client-to-client reflection, neighbor route-reflector-client, show ip bgp
16.10 bgp confederation identifier
Use this command to specify a BGP confederation identifier.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the BGP confederation identifier.
Command Syntax
(no) bgp confederation identifier ID
ID= <1-65535> Set routing domain confederation AS number
Command Mode
Router mode