5 configuring a maintenance end point, 6 configuring a remote maintenance end point – CANOGA PERKINS CanogaOS Command Reference User Manual

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CanogaOS Command Line Reference

Revision 1.02

Proprietary & Confidential Canoga Pertkins Metro Ethernet Switches

Page 191 of 855

10.5 Configuring a Maintenance End Point

Use the command to define an MEP within an MA. Each MEP and remote MEP must have a unique ID
within an MA. If two or more MEPs share the same ID, CFM raises an event indicating a duplicate MEP
exists in the MA.

Command Syntax

ethernet cfm mep level LEVEL (down|up) mpid MEPID vlan VLANID
no ethernet cfm mep level LEVEL (down|up) mpid MEPID vlan VLANID

Command Mode

Interface mode




This command is used to Create a local MEP.


Related Commands

ethernet cfm domain DOMAIN_NAME level LEVE
service CSI_ID vlan VLAN_ID

10.6 Configuring a remote Maintenance End Point

Use this command to define a remote maintenance end point (MEP) within a maintenance domain,and
enable to crosscheck the RMEP.

Command Syntax

mep crosscheck mpid MEPID vlan VLANID (|mac MAC)
no mep crosscheck mpid MEPID vlan VLANID (|mac MAC)

Command Mode

Configure mode
