Meridian America Link/Customer Controlled Routing User Manual
Page 508

490 Chapter 15: Link configuration
553-3202-210 Standard October 1998
Procedure 14: Changing Meridian Link (link 1) parameters (continued)
Table 142
X.25 and LAPB parametersÑLink 1
Link parameter
Allowed values
(defaults in parentheses)
X.25, LAPB parameters
Link protocol used
Link type*
Type of link (2 = Host Link)
Machine ID
x25dest, hdlcdest
Logical name assigned to the
attached host
Maximum time (in seconds)
between packet transmissions
Port type*
X, H
X = X.25, H = HDLC
Physical DTE/DCE
0, 1
0 if link port is configured as
DTE; 1 if the port is configured
as DCE
PDN type
0, 40Ð48
Packet data network type. This
parameter is dependent on the
type of X.25 network configured
on the host. Possible values are:
40 Ñ Datex-P (Germany)
41 Ñ Transpac (France)
42 Ñ PPS (United Kingdom)
43 Ñ Datapak (Sweden)
44 Ñ Telenet (USA)
45 Ñ DDN (USA)
46 Ñ Accunet (USA)
47 Ñ Datapac (Canada)
48 Ñ Tymnet (USA)
The default values are 0 for
LAPB and 44 for X.25.
Note: Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) cannot be changed.
Ñ continued С