Meridian America Link/Customer Controlled Routing User Manual

Page 467

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Chapter 14: Software installation, upgrade, and update procedures 449

Meridian Link Release 5C/CCR Release 3C Installation and Upgrade Guide

Procedure 7: Reboot and go through setup (continued)

The autoboot process then starts. Autoboot messages for the IPE
Module or MVME167 card are shown in Figures 204 and 205.
Messages for the MVME147 card are similar.

A series of test messages appear on one line across the screen for
approximately ten minutes, then the system start-up messages

Figure 204
System autoboot messages 1

Testing Complete
Autoboot in progress ... To abort hit

Booting from: VME167, Controller 0, Drive 40
Loading: Operating System

Volume: V/68

IPL loaded at: $001F0000
MVMETAPE IPL Version 1.0


System V/68 Release R3V7 M68040 Version 920526

Real mem = 6291456
Avail mem = 4956160
Buffers = 60

Copyright (c) 1984-1992 Motorola Inc. All rights reserved

erase = # kill = @ intr = DEL quit = ^|
167 SCSI configuration
Device Addr Vers Revision Serial# Blocks Size Vendor Description
------- ---- ---- -------- ------- ------- ---- -------------------

Disk 00 0002 9324... ....... 0478845 0512 SEAGATE ST3283N
Tape 40 0001 RV F... ....... 0000000 0000 TEAC MT-2ST/N50
Enter to pause in a single user shell before init.

Default boot sequence continuing...
The system is coming up. Please wait.