Meridian America Link/Customer Controlled Routing User Manual

Page 421

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Chapter 14: Software installation, upgrade, and update procedures 403

Meridian Link Release 5C/CCR Release 3C Installation and Upgrade Guide

Procedure 3: Load application software from tape (continued)

Figure 124
Keycode prompt 3

Keycode group 3 (or Q or q to quit):


You are prompted for the third group of keycode characters
(Figure 124). Type the third group and press [Return].

Figure 125
Keycode prompt 4

Keycode group 4 (or Q or q to quit):


You are prompted for the fourth group of keycode characters
(Figure 125). Type the fourth group and press [Return].

Figure 126
Keycode prompt 5

Keycode group 5 (or Q or q to quit):


You are prompted for the fifth group of keycode characters
(Figure 126). Type the fifth group and press [Return].

A list of configured applications appears.

Note: Optional feature prompts will not appear if the features were not
configured in the keycode. For example, if Meridian Link was not
purchased, the prompts in Figures 127, 128, and 129 will not appear.

Figure 127
Meridian Link protocol prompt

Please enter the Meridian Link protocol, x for X.25, for TCP/IP):