Meridian America Link/Customer Controlled Routing User Manual

Page 435

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Chapter 14: Software installation, upgrade, and update procedures 417

Meridian Link Release 5C/CCR Release 3C Installation and Upgrade Guide

Procedure 5: Load the operating system tape on an Application Module
with an MVME147 card (continued)

Figure 151
Environment prompts for firmware revision 2.42

Bug or System environment [B,S] = S?

Execute/Bypass System Memory Sizing [E,B] = B?

Execute/Bypass SST Memory test [E,B] = B?

Set VME Chip:

Board ID(def is 0) [0-FF] = $00?

GCSR base address offset(def is 0F) [0-0F] = $0F?

Utility Interrupt Mask(def is 0) [0-FE] = $00?

Utility Interrupt Vector number(def is 60) [8-F8] = $60?

VMEbus Interrupt Mask(def is FE) [0-FE] = $FE?

VMEbus Requester Level (def is 0) [0-3] = 00?

VMEbus Requester Release (def is ROR) [ROR, RWD, NVR] = ROR?

Depending on the previous configuration, the system will reboot
automatically or display the Ò147-Diag>Ó prompt.


If the system reboots automatically at this point, type h as soon as
messages begin to appear on the console.

If the system displays the Ò147-Diag>Ó prompt, type menu then
press [Return].

In either case, the start-up interrupt menu appears.


Insert the BOS tape System V/68 BOS R3V7.1 into the tape drive.

The tape indicator light comes on, flashes, and then goes off. Wait
for the tape indicator light to turn off before proceeding to the next