Meridian America Link/Customer Controlled Routing User Manual
Page 459
Chapter 14: Software installation, upgrade, and update procedures 441
Meridian Link Release 5C/CCR Release 3C Installation and Upgrade Guide
Procedure 6: Load the operating system tape on an IPE Module or an
Application Module with an MVME167 card (continued)
Figure 190
Same disk drive prompt
The usr file system is often on the same disk drive as
the root file system, but not always. The following
questions determine where to install the usr file system.
---> Will the root and usr file systems be
on the same disk drive? (y, n, ?, q) [y]:
You are prompted to indicate whether or not the root and user file
systems will be on the same disk drive. Type y and press [Return] to
indicate yes.
Figure 191
Slice number prompt
The default usr file system slice number for the MVME167
controller is slice number 2, but it may be changed.
Enter below, the slice number where the usr file system is to be installed.
---> Enter the slice number for the usr file system (0-6, ?, q) [2]:
You are prompted to enter the user file system slice number. Press
[Return] to use the default slice number (2).
Phase 2 of the BOS installation begins, and the slice table appears.
Figures 192-195 show the slice tables for four different disk drives.