Commands, Manpages – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual

Page 80

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The Windows path will vary if HP SIM is not installed in the default location.

See the

Infrasctucture management using the HP SIM command line interface white paper at


and the

HP SIM 5.1 Command

Line Interface Reference Guide at


for more detailed information on CLI commands.


Viewing manpages on UNIX systems

You can use the man utility on HP-UX and Linux systems to format and display CLI command line usage
manpages. Use the following format to specify a manpage to view: # man [ sectionNumber ]



CLI command line usage manpages are specified as section 1M.

CLI Extensible Markup Language (XML) usage manpages are specified as section 4.

Examples: To view the command line usage or XML usage for the mxtask CLI, enter one of the following:

% man mxtask

displays the command line usage for the mxtask CLI.

% man 1m mxtask

displays the command line usage for the mxtask CLI.

% man 4 mxtask

displays the XML usage for the mxtask CLI.


CLI command line usage manpages are specified as section 8.

CLI XML usage manpages are specified as section 4.

Examples: To view the command line usage or XML usage for the mxtask CLI, enter one of the following:

# man mxtask

displays the command line usage for the mxtask CLI.

# man 8 mxtask

displays the command line usage for the mxtask CLI.

# man 4 mxtask

displays the XML usage for the mxtask CLI.

Viewing manpages on Windows systems

The HP SIM Windows manpages are available in the following folder: HP\Systems Insight

. Double-click a manpage file to

view the contents in a web browser.


The following table provides a complete list of HP SIM commands. For a detailed explanation of these
commands, click the manpage link to view an associated manpage or see the

HP SIM 5.1 Command Line

Interface Reference Guide at


. Use your browser's back button to return to this page.


In the following table, the manpage section numbers for CLI command line usage manpages are

different for each operating system . The CLI command line usage manpage section number is 1M for HP-UX


Getting started