HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 57

Edit the snmpd.conf file using any text editor.
For Red Hat Linux, run the following command for opening this file in the vi editor: vi
For SUSE SLES 8, run the following command for opening this file in the vi editor: vi
Remove the comment symbol (#) from the trapsink line, and add the IP address of the CMS:
trapsink IPaddress
where IPaddress is the IP address of the CMS.
Add the CMS to the read only community by adding the line:
rocommunity CommunityName IPaddress
where CommunityName is the SNMP community string used by the CMS and IPaddress
is the IP address of the CMS.
iii. Save the changes to the file. To save and close this file using the vi editor, press the Esc key,
enter :wq!, and press the Enter key.
Start the SNMP daemon:
/etc/init.d/snmpd start
Start the HP Server Management Drivers and Agents daemon if it is installed on your system:
/etc/init.d/hpasm start
Install the Linux ProLiant Support Pack. To download this software and access installation information,
Sign in to the HP Systems Insight Manager GUI. For assistance with this, see
Add the default WBEM user name and password to the Global Protocol Settings page in the HP
Systems Insight Manager GUI.
Note: An account for at least one of the WBEM user name and password combinations must exist on
each managed system.
Note: This step can be performed once for all the managed systems you are setting up.
Select Options
→Protocol Settings→Global Protocol Settings.
In the Default WBEM settings section, ensure that the Enable WBEM checkbox is selected, and
add the default WBEM user name, password, and confirmation password.
Click OK.
Example: Setting up remote Linux systems from a Linux CMS
Log in to the HP Systems Insight Manager on the Linux CMS with full CMS configuration privileges.
Run the First Time Wizard if you have not already. See
for more information about
running the First Time Wizard.
Run discovery if you have not already. See
for more information.
Preconfigure the System Management Homepage and version control components. For more information
about preconfiguring the SMH component, see
System Management Homepage Installation Guide at
and for
version control, see
HP Version Control Installation Guide at
Install the ProLiant or Integrity Support Packs on remote system. Run the Linux Deployment Utility to install
the latest Integrity Support Pack on Linux and HP-UX systems. For more information, download the HP
ProLiant Support Pack and Deployment Utilities User Guide at
Run the Configure or Repair Agents feature. For more information, see
Configuring the Managed System
Setting up managed systems