Command line interface – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual

Page 438

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Add Event Filters


To add event filters:


Click Add Event Filters if you want to filter the system targets with events. If you do not want
to filter the event, skip this step. The Add filters by selecting from dropdown list displays.


Select an event filter from the Add filters by selecting from dropdown list. The list of event
collections appears below.


Select the filter or event filter to be included.


Click Apply. The event filter appears in the Filtered By section.

Note: To change the event filter, click Modify Event Filters.

Remove Filters

. To remove a filter, select the filter to be removed and click Remove Filters.

Note: This option is only available if a filter has already been selected in the Verify Target Systems


. Click Next to specify parameters and to run or save the report.


After you click Next, the Step 2: Specify Parameters page appears.

In the Report Name field, enter a name for the report.

Important: Report names cannot contain any of the following characters: < > ' & \ ` , # + | % ; /
\\ ! ~ @ $ ^ * = { } [ ] " : and ?


In the Select items to show in report section, select all of the categories or items to include in

the report. You can click the

icon to expand a category, and select specific items or click the

icon to collapse a category.


After you have selected all items to include in the report, select one of the following options:

Show all systems in the same table.

This option displays all categories and items selected

in the Select items to show in report section in the report. The selected categories appear
as tables, and the selected data items appear as column headers in the report. All


appear in the same table.

Show each system in a separate table.

This option displays all categories and items selected

in the Select items to show in report section in the report. The selected categories appear
as tables, and all the selected data items appear as column headers. Each system appears
in an individual table.


Under Format for current run of generated report (format not saved with report), select from the
following options:

HTML (Recommended for viewing). This option displays the report in HTML format.

XML. This option displays the report in XML format.

CSV. This option displays the report in CSV format.


To save over the existing report configuration, click Save Report.

Note: To save an existing report as a report with a new name, enter a new report name in the Report

field, and click Save Report. The new report is saved and added to the report list on the Manage



A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm your intention to save the report. Click OK to save, or
click Cancel to abort. If the report already exists, the overwrite report message appears. Click Cancel
if you do not want to overwrite the existing report.


To view the report, click Run Report. You can click Previous to return to the target selection page.
You can click Cancel to abort the report creation process.

Command line interface

Use the mxreport command to perform this task from the command line interface (CLI). For assistance with
this command, see the HP-UX or Linux manpage by entering man mxreport at the command line. See

“Using command line interface commands”

for more information on the command and a link to the manpage.

438 Reporting