System, Storage systems, System health status – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 654: Systems, Identify the systems, Subnet, System identification, Smi-s, Storage system, Storage management
status message list
A list created by Cluster Management Resources to collect entries found in the bottom left area
of the Cluster Monitor page to bring your attention to cluster attributes that are in an abnormal
status message
summary header
The list header summary of the total number of status messages in the list and, in parentheses,
the number of status messages that have not been examined.
status type
The classification of status messages (for example, Critical, Major, Minor, Normal, Warning,
and Unknown).
A standard management interface developed by the Storage Networking Industry Association
(SNIA). SMI-S provides a common interface and facilitates the management of storage devices
from multiple vendors. SMI-S uses industry-standard
storage systems
SAN-attached Fibre Channel disk arrays, switches, tape libraries, or hosts (with Fibre Channel
host bus adapters).
On TCP/IP networks, subnets are all systems whose IP addresses have the same prefix. For
example, all systems with IP addresses that start with 10.10.10. would be part of the same subnet.
Survey Utility
An agent (or online service tool) that gathers and delivers hardware and operating system
configuration information. This information is gathered while the server is online.
symmetric key
A common key that both the server and receiver of a message share and use to encrypt and
decrypt a message.
Systems on the network that communicate through TCP/IP. To manage a system, some type of
management protocol (for example, SNMP, DMI, or WBEM) must be present on the system.
Examples of systems include servers, workstations, desktops, portables, routers, switches, hubs,
and gateways.
system group
A group of systems based on a system collection; a static snapshot of the source collection at the
time the system group was created. Used for authorizations.
system health
This is aggregate status all of the status sources (which can be SNMP, WBEM, DMI, and HTTP)
that are supported on a target system, with the most critical status being displayed. The following
are the different system health statuses that can be displayed:
HP SIM can no longer communicate with the system. The system was previously
discovered but cannot be pinged. The system might be down, powered off, or no longer
accessible on the network because of network problems.
A major problem exists with this system. It should be addressed immediately. For
systems running an HP Insight Management Agent, some component has failed. The system
might no longer be properly functioning, and data loss can occur.
A minor problem exists with this system. For systems running Insight Management
Agent, some component has failed but the system is still functioning.
The system has a potential problem or is in a state that might become a problem.
The system is functioning correctly.
The system is disabled from monitoring but is not necessarily turned off.
HP SIM cannot obtain management information about the system.
The system might be in a transitional or non-error state.
Identifying information about systems. This information is stored in the database. The following
information is identified:
Type of management protocol on the system (SNMP, DMI, WBEM, HTTP, and SSH)
Type of HP system (server, client, switch, router, and so on)
Network name of system
654 glossary