HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 60

Note: If you experience problems later setting the trust status on a Linux managed system, see
under Certificate Problems for assistance.
Set administrator password for Insight Management Agents version 7.1 or earlier. Select this option
to repair the administrator password on all Insight Management Agents installed on the target
systems as applicable for Windows and Linux systems.
Note: This option does not apply to HP-UX. If you are configuring or repairing HP-UX systems, clear
this option.
Note: Clear this option if you have Insight Management Agents 7.2 or later installed.
Note: If the remote system is running HP-UX, this option is not executed on the remote system since
it is not applicable on HP-UX systems. If only HP-UX target systems are being configured at this
time, you can clear this option.
If this option is selected, you must complete the following steps:
In the Password field, enter the new administrator password.
In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the new administrator password exactly as you
entered it previously.
Configure secure shell (SSH) access.
If this option is selected, you must select one of the following options:
Host based authentication for SSH
Note: For this option to work, the user name and password provided on the previous page
must be an administrative level account. For Linux or HP-UX targets, it must be the "root"
account and password.
Each user has to be authenticated on the managed system
Note: If the selected systems include Linux or HP-UX systems, and options for Configure SNMP
settings, Trust relationships and administrator password was selected, then SSH authentication
should be selected now unless already configured earlier.
Note: SSH can be configured only if the OpenSSH service is running on the managed systems.
OpenSSH can be installed on Windows systems, by running the Install Open SSH tool under
→Deploy Drivers→Firmware and Agents→Install Open SSH.
Create subscriptions for WBEM events. See
for more information.
Note: This option is only applicable to HP-UX systems. If this option is selected, the target system
is configured to send WBEM indications or events to HP Systems Insight Manager.
Note: Subscriptions for WBEM events can be created only if WBEM event providers are installed
and running on the managed systems.
Configure the WBEM Services on the target systems to support client certificate authentication.
Note: This option is only available for managing HP-UX systems running HP WBEM Services version
A.02.05 or later. If this option is selected, an HP SIM WBEM certificate is registered with the
WBEM Services trust store on the target systems. The user name associated with this certificate is
the one provided in step 5, which should have root privilege. When discovery runs, the WBEM
Services on the target systems would use this certificate to authenticate WBEM requests from HP
SIM instead of using the basic authentication mechanism. For example, user name and password.
The advantage of this technique for authentication is that you do not need to store passwords for
WBEM access on your CMS.
Click Run Now. The Task Results page appears.
Note: Click Schedule to run this task at a later time.
Note: The Configure or Repair Agents tool can be used to update multiple target systems, each of which
might potentially have different results. The log results indicate whether the repair attempt was successful.
Note: Repair of SNMP settings and Trust relationships and administrator password for Insight Management
Agents 7.1 or earlier on Linux systems are executed by a separate task, which can be viewed in the
tasks log menu selection. Repair of SNMP settings, Trust relationships on HP-UX systems is executed by
Getting started